Nancy Cockerell passed: She was a whizz in world tourism
by: Juergen T Steinmetz | copyright: eTurboNews | Tourism News – Tourism Industry News Born on July 4, 1946, in Alexandria, Egypt, living in Geneva Switzerland, and raised in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK, graduated in 1967 from the University of...

by: Juergen T Steinmetz | copyright: eTurboNews | Tourism News – Tourism Industry News
Born on July 4, 1946, in Alexandria, Egypt, living in Geneva Switzerland, and raised in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK, graduated in 1967 from the University of Nottingham, where she studied Modern Foreign Languages, Nancy was well known for her high-level positions related to travel, tourism, research.
The Economist Intelligence Unit 1986-2000 Travel & Tourism Intelligence, Managing Editor, 1998-2000 London UK WTTC: Senior consultant from May 1990 – May 2012 UNWTO: 1990 The Travel Business Partnership from 2000 as a managing partnerShe passed away on January 21. She was survived by her son Justin Alexander Cockerell, by her daughter, and by three grandchildren.
Imtiaz Muqbil, Bangkok, Thailand
“I will always cherish the many high-energy press conferences we shared in Berlin, London, Sydney, Perth, Cairo, Hong Kong, and many other cities.”, said Thailand-based travel journalist Imitiaz Muqbil in his LinkedIn post. ” The global travel & tourism industry owes her a debt of gratitude.”
Imitiaz explained: Nancy wrote extensively for various publications, including the PATA Strategic Intelligence Centre, The Economist Intelligence Unit, and the UNWTO Barometer. She was also a consultant for many years for the World Travel & Tourism Council, the Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations, the International Hotels & Restaurants Association, and the OECD.
Juergen Steinmetz, Hawaii, USA
“When I saw Imtiaz’s post I was shocked. I like to echo what he said,” added eTurboNews publisher Juergen Steinmetz. “During my career at eTurboNews I met Nancy at so many different events, and in so many places around the world. She was a tourism veteran and was so energetic, professional, and kind. Tourism and journalism were a major part of her life for more than 50 years. She will be missed.”
Professor Geoffrey Lipman, Brussels, Belgium
Professor Geoffrey Lipman was a former WTTC CEO and an Assistant Secretary General of UNWTO among other high-level assignments. He worked with Nancy closely for many years.
Lipman told eTurboNews:
It was a body blow to hear of Nancy’s passing – she had been an ever-present in the Tourism ecosystem for so many years.
We had been friends and colleagues for almost 50 years since we met in Geneva when I was working in IATA (wearing what Billy Joel calls “a younger man’s clothes”) and Nancy was a freelance travel writer.
I quickly discovered that Nancy was friends with so many like-minded tourism aficionados’ across the globe.
Always smiling, always interested in what others were doing, and always putting pen to paper in a uniquely interesting and knowledgeable way.
She was a whizz at getting through the dull tourism numbers to the juicy bits and always fun to be with in so many places around the world and in so many of the alphabet organizations that make up the Tourism pastiche – PATA, IHRA, IATA, UNWTO, WTTC Nancy was always there lugging her trusty, desktop-like laptop, with her.
Even when battling serious illness she was always there, always lugging some office on the go.
We published a small tabloid sheet together on aviation called “Plane Facts “
She helped in the publication of two EIU studies on opening up Air Transport in the 1970s.
Then she helped write our first Annual Tourism Satellite Account Studies in the early days of WTTC.
We also collaborated on UNWTO’s Tourism Barometer and more recently Nancy was rapporteur for the Think Tanks we organized from SUNx Malta, with our mutual friend Leslie Vella.
And Nancy did so much more – contributing more than a dozen academic research works on tourism development in countries ranging from South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland and so many more.
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