National Festivals in Spain, France, Portugal and Canada
In April, four National Festivals will be held - in Spain, France, Portugal and Canada. As Spring is arriving Kadampas in these countries will come together to enjoy blessing empowerments and teachings with the Sangha from their country.

French National Festival ~ 18 - 23 April
Buddha White Tara Empowerment and teachings on cultivating The Energy of a Positive Mind
When we encounter obstacles in our daily life or difficulties in our spiritual practice, we ask ourselves again and again how to find a real solution. When we encounter such obstacles, we look for a special method to overcome them and give new impetus to our life.
During this National Festival, we will welcome Gen-la Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen-la Dekyong will grant the blessing empowerment of White Tara, the Buddha of long life, merit, and wisdom, and will give teachings on the practice of the seven limbs in the context of our daily life.
Portuguese National Festival 2025 ~ April 24 - 27
Transmission of the uncommon practice of Avalokiteshvara according to the Ganden Oral Lineage with Kadam Bridget Heyes, UK National Spiritual Director at the National Kadampa Buddhist Festival of Portugal! We are delighted to have her teach the Portuguese National Kadampa Buddhist Festival.
Discover a unique experience of inspiration, meditation and connection at this special event open to all, where you can explore profound teachings and learn practical methods for applying Buddhism in daily life.
Canadian National Festival 2025 ~ April 25 ~ 29
Real Inner Freedom - Buddha Vajrasattva Empowerment and teachings.
During this Festival, Gen-la Jampa will grant the empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva and teach us how to skillfully engage in the practice of meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva. This creative practice allows us to connect with the natural potential in our mind, to heal the wounds of the past, and to free ourselves from our old, painful ways of thinking and acting.
He will also give commentary to the four opponent powers of purification - four practices that systematically and completely act as antidotes to all negative thoughts and actions. Through purifying our mind, we gradually experience a wonderful lightness and inner freedom.