NKT Day Celebrations ~ Part 2

To celebrate NKT Day this year, Kadampa Centers in Spain opened their doors with special events. Nine of them shared their celebrations. See this post to get inspired!

NKT Day Celebrations ~ Part 2

This year's NKT Day Celebration was a wonderful experience. More than 50 people participated in an Open Day full of surprises and very meaningful shared moments.

Our urban centre of Malasaña, in the heart of Madrid, was the scene of emotional moments such as the viewing together of the new NKT video about the flourishing of Dharma in South America, Sangha reunions, a presentation of Kadampa Buddhism by our Resident Teacher Gen Tsongmo, free guided meditations, tea and cakes, questions and answers and finally a raffle, the main prizes being a Dharma book, a class with the Resident Teacher and a meditation and dinner for two!

In the evening, at La Sierra Centre, we engaged in Wishfulfilling Jewel prayers with tsog. How wonderful to have these opportunities to remember how fortunate we are to have found Dharma and to be able to help others to be liberated and happy! Thank you so much, dear Geshe-la!