Organised Visit to Rio de Janeiro – Fall Festival 2024

On the last day of the International Fall Festival 2024, there will be a special opportunity to visit the new center in Rio de Janeiro. On Saturday, November 2, 2024, to celebrate the purchase of this center, Kadampas will...

Organised Visit to Rio de Janeiro – Fall Festival 2024

Post-Festival Retreat in Rio


In this special retreat, we will have the opportunity to deepen our tantric practice, as well as to more fully contemplate the teachings given at the 2024 Fall Festival of the New Kadampa Tradition - the rarest and most precious teachings of Buddha. Tantric meditations are known as the fastest path to full enlightenment, the state of supreme peace and happiness, of a completely pure mind. It is extremely important that we become familiar with these teachings, especially in today’s world, so that we can learn to transform all our impure experiences and appearances into pure ones, and a source of that supreme peace and happiness.

During the retreat, we will engage in the practices of Quick Path to Great Bliss and Yoga of Buddha Heruka.

The retreat will be guided in English with simultaneous translation into various languages, upon request.