Play It Forward invites travel trade to run Victoria Falls Marathon

Charity describes trip as ‘once-in-a-lifetime experience’

Play It Forward invites travel trade to run Victoria Falls Marathon

Play It Forward founder Olly Brendon is inviting travel professionals and friends to run the Victoria Falls Marathon as the charity aims to raise £15,000.

A total of 30 participants are being sought for the trip, taking place from July 1-7, 2025, which will include opportunities to see the support provided to children in Zambia.

Brendon (pictured) said: “The best way of getting people engaged with what we do is for them to see it for themselves, so we thought we could combine an iconic marathon with being able to show the projects first-hand.”

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Tour operator Far and Wild Travel will be able to tailor the itineraries according to participants’ preferences, ensuring they can visit the projects they would most like to see.

With a total of 22 employees on the ground, Play It Forward’s work includes the operation of a football academy as a way of helping to deliver education.

Sexual health lessons are given on the football pitch itself by qualified professionals, with further support also offered in local schools and across the wider community. Advice on nutrition and help with literacy and digital skills are among the features of the charity’s programme.

Within 10 days of launching the Victoria Falls Marathon trip, Brendon had recruited seven or eight participants.

“I’m happy for anyone to sign up – anyone interested in running and charity,” he said, adding the trip would be “a once-in-a-lifetime experience”.

Every runner will be expected to raise a minimum of £500, with all of the proceeds going towards Play It Forward’s work in Zambia.

Brendon said he would be among those running the half-marathon rather than the 26.2 miles.

The route, which starts in Victoria Falls town, crosses Victoria Falls Bridge spanning the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

“It’s in the adventure capital of the world,” said Brendon, listing whitewater rafting and gorge swinging as among the activities that trip participants might be interested in.

Anyone wishing to sign up should contact Far and Wild Travel.

Brendon is also founder and chief executive of Do Something Different and Attraction Tickets.