Podcast on Bhagavad Giita: Thurs Apr 21 at 2p EST
Podcast on Bhagavad Giita: Thurs Apr 21 at 2p EST Join us this Thursday for a dynamic discussion…. Come explore the fundamentals of the Bhagavad Gita – from the basic story line to the universal spiritual insights, and discover...

Satyam: you are most welcome...🙏...
kim: Sooooo very timely. Thank you for sharing this....
Satyam: Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your kind words...a ...
Rebecca: I love how you broaden my mind. You are a kind pe...
Satyam: Hi Jeannie, Indeed these charts offer quite th...
Jeannie: I have never see this and love it! It's a fascinat...
Satyam: Hi Maria, Yes, that is all you need to do. Once ...
Maria: I would like to register for the Dharmika class; ...
Satyam: Great to have you on board for the challenge Ellen...
Ellen: Perfect timing! For the last couple of years, I ...
Satyam: How wonderful Annie!! Have a great trip!! I will l...
Annie: Ok Satyam, you’re on! A friend and I are leaving...
Satyam: Wonderful - great having you there!!...
Deirdre Cleary: looking forward to the free class this morning...
Greg Izzi: Interested in Food prep/cooking techniques, Raw Fo...
Satyam: Wonderful Susan - thank you so much for sharing th...
Susan Robinson: Since I've been using Namaskar at the end of class...
Satyam: Thanks for your statement Brigid - have included i...
Satyam: Thanks so much Catrina!! YES, we are very glad to...
Catrina: Checking in, and it has been a while, I’m SO GLA...
Brigid: Still reeling after watching "What the Health?" do...
Satyam: Thanks so very much Sandy...🙏🏽...
Sandy Bell: So sorry to hear your mom was having issues but gl...
Satyam: Thanks Susan for checking in and speaking up on th...
Satyam: Now in this case...I did see the movie...first...a...