'Queer Eye's Karamo Brown on the morning routines that keep him motivated
Karamo Brown shares his morning routine and how he stays positive throughout his workday

Karamo Brown's job as a "culture expert" on Netflix's "Queer Eye" requires him to use his expertise as a licensed psychotherapist and social worker to help people navigate the world better. But before pouring into others, Brown makes sure that he pours into himself.
To help others be positive and productive, Brown shared the steps he takes to stay motivated in the morning and throughout the day.
While getting ready for work, Brown makes sure that he practices positive affirmations.
"Once I get to the bathroom, every single morning, I pick something on me that I love and I focus on that throughout the day," he tells CNBC Make It. "It helps during those moments that I feel down or I feel uncomfortable."
Brown, 41, says that societal pressures and standards cause people to "tear themselves down before the world gets a chance to."
"We get into the bathroom and start looking at our hair, saying things like 'my hair is not right," he says. "We start looking at our clothes and say 'this doesn't fit right, look at my body,' and we tear ourselves down. So I don't do that anymore."
Brown, who also has a new, self-titled daytime talk show, says he makes an effort to not pick up his phone first thing in the morning.
"I literally wake up and I let myself be with myself, which a lot of people don't do. And I'm telling you, we've got to do it because when you wake up and inundate yourself with emails and work, it's just not good for your mental health."
According to a study from the International Data Corporation, almost 50% of people are texting and emailing while getting ready for work or school, while 40% are browsing social media websites, like Facebook. Experts say this can be a "major" cause of stress and anxiety, and make it harder to focus.
Brown recommends that people make time in the morning to do an activity they love. For him, it's dancing.
"I find a lot of moments to dance because movement does really affect your mental health and your self-esteem. I currently have Beyoncé songs on repeat to get me moving. And I'll do that throughout my day to just keep myself up."
According to Brown, practicing self-love and positive mental health doesn't end at home. He also advocates for himself in outside relationships and speaks up when he doesn't feel like his best self, or when he needs encouragement.
"I'm not afraid to tell people I need them to love me a little bit louder. Because a lot of times we just assume that the people in our lives love us," Brown explains. "We assume that they want to support us. And I'm not afraid to say, 'I don't feel good today. Can you love me a little bit louder? Can you just give me a little more support?' and I will love you louder as well."
"Sometimes we wait until someone's at their darkest moment to love them louder. We have to make sure we uplift ourselves and others when it's not so dark."
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