Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin Adds IndexNow via @sejournal, @martinibuster
Bing announces that the IndexNow protocol added to Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin - Hands-on review shows that indexing couldn't be easier The post Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin Adds IndexNow appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Microsoft Bing announced that the popular WordPress SEO plugin Rank Math is integrating the IndexNow instant indexing protocol. A publisher doesn’t even need to have an API key or a Bing Webmaster Tools account. Rank Math automatically takes care of the IndexNow API all on its own.
Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin
Rank Math is a popular SEO plugin that has over one million active installations. It’s popularity is driven through strong word of mouth recommendations.
Rank Math offers a generous selection of features absolutely free version such as local SEO structured data and optimizations, something that other SEO plugins like Yoast charge for.
What makes Rank Math a popular choice is that it’s so easy to use and the implementation of IndexNow is an excellent example.
IndexNow Integration into Rank Math
Following the announcement that All in One SEO has added IndexNow, Rank Math also now offers IndexNow.
A useful quality of Rank Math is that all the features don’t come automatically enabled but rather they have modules that can be activated.
The module user interface method for setting up WordPress SEO makes it easy to use Rank Math because you only need to select and configure the features that are needed, without having to wade through tab after tab of irrelevant menus.
It’s a great user interface that simplifies something that is ordinarily difficult.
Rank Math IndexNow Module
The IndexNow feature is introduced as a new module that only needs to be turned on and then configured with a few easy choices.
Activating IndexNow is incredibly easy because publishers Rank Math automatically generates an IndexNow API key without needing to activate a Bing Webmaster Tools account.
All you have to do is select Rank Math from the left hand WordPress menu then select Dashboard.
Screenshot of Rank Math WordPress Menu
Next you have access to turning on the IndexNow Module
Screenshot of IndexNow Module
Final Step: Configure IndexNow Settings
The last step, once you have clicked to select the IndexNow Module, is a simple configuration that tells your plugin which pages to auto-submit when updated or newly created.
The choices are:
Posts Media Pages Plus an option to select MailPoet Pages (if you have MailPoet installed)First you have to click the Settings button to see the settings.
Screenshot of Settings Button
Next you can select whether to automatically submit posts, media, pages (and/or MailPoet pages).
Screenshot of Rank Math IndexNow Settings
IndexNow Instant Indexing
IndexNow is only used by Bing and Yandex at this time. Many SaaS site builders and content delivery networks like Cloudflare and Akamai support the new IndexNow indexing protocol.
The protocol not only speeds up indexing content that’s new or newly updated but it helps to reduce bot traffic on your site, freeing up resources for site visitors. On the search engine side it will reduce data center resources, which is another opportunity to reduce the data center carbon footprint, which is good for the environment.
The Rank Math implementation couldn’t possibly be easier and frictionless.
Rank Math was already a great choice for an SEO plugin.
The addition of the IndexNow module makes Rank Math even more useful and attractive, especially because Yoast still doesn’t have IndexNow as an option.