Savour your Morning with These Nourishing Caffeine Free Drinks
It's almost the season for autumnal beverages, and we've got the best morning drinks headed your way. The post Savour your Morning with These Nourishing Caffeine Free Drinks appeared first on Wanderlust.

Morning time begs to be special. Imagine yourself, waking up on a cool morning, and relishing in the cosiness of your cotton sheets. The grey light is just beginning to waft into your room, and it’s hard to leave the heaven-like nest you’ve created. And yet, work must be done, yoga classes attended, children fed, and errands run.
So how do you make those early mornings bearable? With a little liquid motivation.
You’ve probably witnessed the glorification of autumnal drinks. In the next few months, we’ll see more pumpkin spice lattes than there are stars in the sky. But what if you don’t drink coffee? Are you meant to live an autumn without a warm drink to help soften your morning? We think not.
Below you’ll find three autumnal drinks, two of which have absolutely no caffeine. (The last one is black tea, which while energising, can be a bit more mild.) Slow down, sip up, and greet the day.
Turmeric Latte
Serves one
We love turmeric, the brightly coloured spice known for its magical powers against inflammation. The spice originated in India, where it was used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine in order to help balance dosha. By adding it to your morning routine, you get a whammy of health benefits in addition to a warm and cozy drink.
1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (try almond, hemp, or coconut)
1 heaping tbsp turmeric (try freshly grated for a real treat)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger (or 1 tbsp fresh)
1 tbsp coconut oil
Raw honey or sweetener of choice to taste
Cardamom, black pepper, and cinnamon (optional)
Add the milk to a saucepan and gently warm over low heat. Add the turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon and stir to combine. Add the coconut oil and gently stir until melted. Using a whisk or immersion blender, gently combine the ingredients to create a foam. Continue until frothy and heated. Stir in your sweetener. Top with extra cinnamon, black pepper, and cardamom, if desired.
Ginger Wellness Toddy
Serves one
The weather often fluctuates during the fall season. The shift in temperature can be hard on your body, sometimes leading to a weakened immune systems or colds. To help nourish yourself throughout the season, sip this ginger wellness toddy. Unlike the stereotypical boozed-up toddies, this version contains no alcohol, and instead contains the immune strengthening echinacea. Honey is added for sweetness, and the lemon and ginger help soothe and aid digestion. With those ingredients, this health whammy is sure to nourish all the parts of your being.
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsp honey
1 tsp finely grated ginger
¼ tsp echinacea extract
Combine all ingredients in a mug while heating a kettle of hot water. Once the water boils, add to the mug and stir until the honey is dissolved. Let the drink set for one minute before serving.
Vegan Chai Latte
Serves two
OK, we went a little mainstream for this one, but who couldn’t love a chai latte? A delicate balance of spicy and sweet, this warm concoction is the epitome of a cozy morning drink. And while many coffee shops use syrups or mixes, we have a recipe that allows you to create a whole-food version of the drink right at home.
2 cups of water
1 heaping tbsp of loose leaf black tea
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
½ tsp each black pepper, ground cloves, and cardamom
Maple syrup or other desired sweetener, to taste
1 cup dairy-free milk
Extra spices, for topping
Add the water, tea, and spice to a saucepan and boil over high heat. Reduce to low and simmer for 15 minutes to fully steep. Remove from heat and add non-dairy milk and sweetener. Swap the mixture to another saucepan using a fine mesh strainer. Warm the now-strained mixture of low heat, adding more sweetener or spices to taste. Use an immersion blender or whisk to froth. Pour into two mugs (or one large one), and top with extra spices, if desired.
Settle in, sip, and savour your morning.
What do you drink in the AM?
Amanda Kohr is a 25-year-old writer and photographer with a penchant for yoga, food, and travel. She prefers to bathe in the moonlight rather than the sun, and enjoys living in a state of the three C’s: cozy, creative, and curious. When she’s not writing, you can find her driving her VW Bug, looking for the next roadside attraction or family diner. She also roams the internet at