Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 15
It’s the last full day of the Festival and we conclude with three more sessions of retreat, keeping our minds in such a blessed and peaceful state and looking forward to the play of The Life of Buddha.The Temple...

The Temple is packed and it's an incredible atmosphere, as the lights go down and we are all together watching this special, holy play on a giant screen.
Venerable Geshe-la appears at the end on screen addressing us directly and giving us a precious and powerful teaching. He says the play is not an ordinary play, but shows us physically the correct direction, the correct path for our life. He strongly encourages us not to waste our precious human life which quickly ends but to realize the real meaning of human life. We can do this by following Buddha's footsteps - just as we see in the play but in our modern lives - not being satisfied with temporary liberation or the attainments of this one life, but instead striving to attain liberation and enlightenment motivated by compassion for all living beings. He suggests we watch the play every year and make good conclusions for ourselves.
Then the screening concludes and Gen-la Dekyong rises and encourages us to repay Venerable Geshe-la's immense kindness by developing faith and putting his teachings into practice, dedicating everything to permanent world peace. She says a sincere thank you to the invisible Bodhisattva organizers, managers and helpers of this Festival and to everyone who joined, in person and online. She reminds us that these actions are so meaningful for ourself, for others, for this life and for future lives.
In Gen-la Dekyong's words, "Inspired and empowered by the Festival - when we get back home we can show the value of Kadam Dharma".