Summer Festival Day 8
Gen-la Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, began Week Two of the Festival by rejoicing that through the wisdom blessings of our Spiritual Father - Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche - over 3,000 people have made the decision...

The power of gathering together as a great assembly becomes truly apparent during the afternoon Heruka Empowerment Preparation with Gen-la Dekyong. The stewards help to seat everyone so that there is barely a spare seat to be found, but it doesn’t feel crowded - it feels powerful and full of faithful minds. When you look around you see people of every age and background all with the same wish to have a meaningful spiritual life.
During the preparations we already begin to leave the ordinary world behind, and through the power of correct imagination and the wisdom of imputing, to understand the incredible power of Tantric practice. As we leave the temple, with a determination to maintain a mind of love, we are ready to receive the actual empowerments.
“This is the most incredibly diverse festival I've been to: amazing to practice with people from all parts of the globe!”