Swap Your Green Smoothie With This Nourishing Soup Recipe During Winter Months
Wondering whether you should continue drinking green smoothies during winter? You are not alone. Many people ask this question because we know that green smoothies and juices are good for us, but we also feel less inclined to eat...

Wondering whether you should continue drinking green smoothies during winter?
You are not alone. Many people ask this question because we know that green smoothies and juices are good for us, but we also feel less inclined to eat anything cold in the winter. Ice cream, iced coffee, and frozen smoothies just aren’t as appealing when the temperatures drop.
But why should we not eat green smoothies during the winter months if we know they are healthy and nutritious for us?
Our diets must change according to the season. In the summer, nature provides us with hydrating, refreshing foods like watermelon and leafy greens because they naturally cool us down.
In the fall, we all crave pumpkin-spice everything because our bodies require more grounding, warming ingredients.
In the winter, we want warm bowls of chili because our bodies need more hot and spicy ingredients to heat them up from within. It is truly fascinating, because our bodies know what they need – based on the season – to function optimally.
Green smoothies are popular for a reason. They are delicious and nutritious, and really good for you. But are these popular green smoothies and juices good for us all year round?
According to Ayurveda, the world’s oldest health system, the answer is no.
In this article, we’ll explore why you shouldn’t drink green smoothies during the winter. Don’t worry … we have a yummy alternative for you too!
This Is the Ayurvedic Science of Why You Shouldn’t Drink Green Smoothies During Winter
So what happens when we maintain our green juice or smoothie habit all year round? Our overall wellness could actually begin to suffer . . .
Here’s the Ayurvedic breakdown of seasons and their corresponding doshas, or mind-body types.
Dosha is the Sanskrit term for energy and is used to classify the various mind-body types.
Our bodies change with the season.
In the hot summer months, we become more heated, which is related to the Pitta fire Dosha.
In the cool fall months, our bodies become more cool and dry, which is related to the Vata wind Dosha.
In the chilly winter months, our bodies become more cold and damp, which is connected to the Kapha earth and water Dosha.
Which Ayurvedic Dosha Are You? Take This Fun Dosha Quiz to Find Out!
How to Balance and Care for Yourself During Cold Weather Months
A large aspect of our overall wellness is what we eat. As we discussed in the previous section, our bodies need warming foods during winter. If we do not eat enough warm, nourishing meals, we bring an imbalance to the body and its systems, particularly digestion.
It often starts by feeling cold . . . all the time. Then you may feel bloated, gassy, and/or constipated.
These are all Vata imbalances, caused by too much air-energy within the body. Green smoothies and juices are extremely cooling in property and drinking them year-round depletes the digestive fire, which not only leads to digestive issues but also hair loss, dry skin, anxiety, insomnia and other Vata-related issues.
Read: How to Embrace Your Vata Dosha and Feel Grounded and Balanced
There are certain foods you can eat to balance your vata dosha and vata energy. There are also certain types of food to avoid or consume in moderation, like raw or dried fruits. Instead, seek fresh, cooked, or stewed fruits like ripe bananas, applesauce, figs and dates, oranges, and peaches.
Look for vegetables that are moist, sweet, and cooked like beets, asparagus, green beans, mustard greens, black olives, cooked spinach, and sweet potato.
Grains are great! But opt for mushy, easy-to-digest, and well-cooked grains like oatmeal, quinoa and rice. Nuts and healthy oils like ghee, avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil are all yummy ways to nourish and balance your body and what it needs during the winter season.
There Is an Alternative Way to Get Your Greens In the Colder Months
Instead of a cooling green smoothie or juice, warm up your greens in a blended soup! You’ll get all the veggies you need but in a warming, easy-to-digest way.
On top of that, adding spices make the nutrients more easily absorbed by your body, giving you more of a wellness bang for your buck.
Ditch Your Green Smoothie This Winter for This Easy, Nutritious Soup Recipe
Since we want to skip the cold and focus on the warm meal alternatives during the winter months, soups and hearty vegetable-based meals will become a staple.
Try this delicious and highly nutritious green soup. It may become your new favorite go-to recipe for a chilly winter night when you’re craving something sweet, warming, and green. Yes, it is that good! (And easy.)
Sweet n’ Green Sweet Potato Kale Soup Recipe
2 sweet potatoes, baked 2 large handfuls kale, washed and chopped 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 garlic clove ½ inch ginger root 1 tsp. pink himalayan sea salt 1 tbsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. turmeric
Want more winter soup ideas? Here are 3 Soup Recipes for a Satisfying Winter Detox
Stay Healthy Seasonally and Say Good-Bye to Green Smoothies During the Winter
An Ayurvedic diet enables you to eat seasonally and supports optimal health. So, until the warmer months, ditch your green smoothie and enjoy this warming, healthy soup instead. You’ll receive the full health benefits of eating in season, the Ayurvedic way.
What Is Ayurveda? Here’s a Crash Course in Everything You Need to Know
Ayurveda honors the seasonal changes of the planet and the body in a way that brings the utmost harmony and health to mind and body.
When you prepare this delicious vegetable soup for yourself, be mindful of how you feel after eating it. Does your body feel warm, nourished, and satiated? Do you notice higher energy levels and healthier digestion? Perhaps you don’t feel as cold or sluggish.
Adapting some of these simple practices, like swapping cold green smoothies during winter months for a hearty, nourishing soup, and eating seasonal foods that are easy for your body to digest will help you stay energized and fortified all winter (and year) long.
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