Taking the teachings from Málaga to heart

The experience of an International Festival is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time afterwards in retreat improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.

Taking the teachings from Málaga to heart

Taking the teachings from Málaga to heart

The experience of an International Festival is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time afterwards in retreat improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.

After every International Festival, various Kadampa centers around the world organise post-festival retreats. As you can see from the list below, there are many opportunities after this year's Spring Festival to engage in such retreats.

If you have not already done so, book now for the Festival.

KMC Madrid, La Sierra

Jun 17 – 21


with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Resident teacher of IKRC Grand Canyon and Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition

Following the Spring Festival 2022, Gen-la Jampa will visit KMC Madrid at its new location which is in a beautiful natural environment.

On this visit, besides guiding the opening ceremony of this new centre, he will lead us in a powerful retreat, where he will help us to take to heart the profound practice of the Guru Yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka.

Through this attainment, all the realizations of the path to Enlightenment will spring up unceasingly and naturally in our heart, like water from a spring.

KMC Mahakaruna, Barcelona

Jun 17 – 21


with Gen-la Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and National Spiritual Director of Canada and Resident Teacher at KMC Canada.

Based on teachings from the Spring Festival at Malaga KMC, and with all the blessings of the Temple Opening, Gen-la Khyenrab will guide a retreat of the definitive Guru Yoga. With the practice of this Yoga, our root Guru becomes one with our mind at our heart, transforming our mind into the union of great bliss and emptiness. At first, we accomplish this through correct imagination. This is the heart of Tantric practice and there is no more powerful, transformative practice.

KMC Deuachen, Sintra

Jun 17 – 21


At this post-festival retreat, Gen-la Kunsang will give the new transmission of this practice that has already been transmitted during the last international Spring Festival in Málaga. To those unable to be in Málaga this is a unique and precious opportunity to receive instructions on this powerful practice, which will be combined with daily meditations. For those who have attended the festival this retreat could be a good opportunity to deepen their experience in a very beautiful and blessed place.

The yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka is the heart practice of Modern Kadampa Buddhism. It is the foundation of success in all the Sutra and Tantra practices within the tradition.

KMC Tharpaland, Berlin

Jun 18 – 22


with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten, International Kadampa Internet Director,

On this retreat, Gen-la Thubten will explain how to enjoy profound meditations with the help of a qualified Spiritual Guide. These meditations come from a special oral transmission given by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and are very blessed. They help us to prepare the inner conditions to experience a profound inner peace and thereby realise our true potential, the attainment of enlightenment. More immediately, they help us to deal successfully with the problems of daily life and gradually increase our happiness and good qualities.

This retreat is suitable for all levels –  everyone is welcome.

KMC Tara, Derbyshire

Jun 18 – 24


A Post Spring Festival retreat on the Very Essence of Guru Yoga with Gen Kelsang Demo, the Midwestern US National Spiritual Director and the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington DC.

During this Post Festival retreat Gen Demo will guide meditations on the special instructions Gen-la Dekyong shared at the recent Spring Festival in Spain. These very blessed instructions come from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and include reliance on the very essence of the Guru yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka.

IRC Kailash, Törbel

Jun 18 – 22


with Gen Kelsang Devi, Resident Teacher of Kailash IRC and KMC Switzerland.

Following on from the blessing empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa held at the Temple opening for world peace at KMC Spain, Málaga, Gen Kelsang Devi will lead a retreat based on the special transmission of teachings on Guru Yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our understanding and insight based on the teachings and commentaries in qualified retreat conditions at Kailash International Retreat Centre. We will gain familiarity, through contemplation and meditation of how to realise our full spiritual potential, and draw closer to enlightenment ourself.

KMC France

Jun 17 – 22

Post Spring Festival Retreat with Gen Kelsang Rabten, Resident Teacher at the Leeds Center in England. This retreat is on the theme of the International Kadampa Spring Festival, which will take place from 10 to 16 June 2022.

Au cours de cette retraite post festival, Guèn Kelsang Rabtèn guidera les méditations sur les instructions spéciales partagées par Guèn-la Dekyong lors du festival de printemps 2022 à Malaga, en Espagne. Ces instructions très spéciales et très bénies proviennent de Vénérable Guéshé Kelsang Gyatso Rinpotché lui-même. Elles révèlent l’essence même du yoga du guide spirituel de Gourou Soumati Bouddha Hérouka.

KMC Southampton

Jun 24 – 26


Gen Gakyi, the resident teacher from KMC Nottingham will be guiding this weekend retreat. She will help us to take the essential instructions that were taught and put them into our daily practice. Following the Spring Festival in Malaga, we have the good fortune of hosting a post-festival retreat on the instructions by Gen-la Dekyong on the Guru Yoga of Buddha Heruka.

KMC Hong Kong

Jun 25 – 26


This post Spring Festival retreat is led by Kadam Dianna Lau. Relying upon a Spiritual Guide is the root of all spiritual attainments. After receiving the blessing empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa, we can practise the precious teachings given by Gen-la Dekyong – the very essence of the Guru Yoga of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka in the retreat.  And through this, we would open the door to a great treasury of blessings. We can achieve everything once our mind is strongly blessed by our Guru.

KMC Austria, Vienna

Jun 19


This retreat is led by Gen Kelsang Palden, Resident teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria. In this retreat we will have some time to reflect on the teachings that we have received at the Spring Festival 2022. Gen Palden will lead three session in which we can deepen our understanding and experience of these precious teachings.

Menorca IRC

Jun 17 – 22


with Gen Kelsang Thekchen, Resident Teacher at KMC Bodhisattva Brighton, UK. Delve into the meditations of the Yoga of the Guru of Buddha Sumati Guru Heruka. Take to your heart the teachings received during the Festival and you will increase your wisdom, compassion and mental power.