The Future of AI in Education: What Education Publishers and Edtech Companies Need to Know

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is a hot topic with plenty of skeptics and technology evangelists on either side of the equation.  In a recent video discussion, Robert Berkman, the Managing Editor of Simba Information, explained...

The Future of AI in Education: What Education Publishers and Edtech Companies Need to Know

Focused pretty student working on her futuristic tablet in lecture hallThe role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is a hot topic with plenty of skeptics and technology evangelists on either side of the equation. 

In a recent video discussion, Robert Berkman, the Managing Editor of Simba Information, explained the key challenges faced by educational publishers and tech companies who are launching and marketing AI-enabled products. He also shared the expected outlook for AI in education over the next two years.

Watch our video on AI in the classroom, part 2, or read a summary of key points in the article below.

Challenges Facing AI-Enabled Education Technology

Government Regulations: The first consideration for publishers and edtech companies is potential government regulations regarding data collection, a critical component for effective AI customization. Berkman suggests that regulations may limit AI usage to learning purposes, and companies will need to be careful about what is and is not permissible in terms of data sharing and usage. Impact on Teachers: Another challenge is the impact of new AI-enabled education tools on teachers who are already burdened with various stressors, including the recent challenges of COVID, burnout, and the intrusion of politics into the classroom. Publishers such as Pearson and Cengage are taking proactive steps to support teachers by providing educational resources and insights through blogs, webinars, and sessions. Wariness Among Educational Experts: Skepticism within the educational community is another hurdle. Berkman notes that educational experts are adopting a wait-and-see attitude. The New York Times' recent article, "Will Chatbots Teach Your Children," explores the historical context of technology introductions in classrooms, highlighting the disconnect between promises and actual improvements in learning.

The Outlook for AI in Education in 2024 and 2025

Looking ahead to 2024 and 2025, Berkman anticipates a surge in AI usage in schools, with more powerful systems and diverse modes of interaction, including audio and voice prompting. However, he expects to see increased regulations as well; we can already see this happening in Europe with early efforts in privacy and data protection.

From a business standpoint, we will also see an influx of startups and a variety of AI-enabled products. This surge will likely be confusing for educators who will need to sort out different tools, what they can be used for, and the pros and cons.

Berkman also predicts heightened discussions on equity in the classroom and the potential impact of AI on marginalized groups.

Where to Learn More

If you missed part one of this blog series, check out our previous article and video discussing the role of AI in education.

For more information about this topic, be sure to check out Simba Information’s biweekly newsletter Education Market Advisor and the market research report AI in the Classroom 2023-2024: Promises and Perils.

Additionally, organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, the US Department of Education, and the Rand Corporation are actively contributing to the conversation with research reports and guidebooks.