The Magic of Retreat: Columbia, Spain and Argentina
KMC Colombia in Bogota held an away retreat, KMC Madrid held a Lamrim retreat and Nagarjuna KBC in Buenos Aires held an out-of-town day retreat. Retreats like these bring so many benefits - explore the photo galleries. People experience...

Abiding in the Lamrim Pureland at KMC Madrid
At KMC Madrid-La Sierra from 8-12 March Gen Tsongmo guided our annual Lamrim retreat. About a hundred people attended this retreat where we contemplated the fifteen Lamrim meditations presented in 'The Mirror of Dharma with Additions', by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, with ‘Heart Jewel’ prayers.
We want to be happy all the time, even during sleep. How can we do this? We can do this through training in meditation because meditation makes our mind peaceful, and when our mind is peaceful we are happy all the time, even if our external conditions are poor. On the other hand, when our mind is not peaceful we are not happy, even if our external conditions are excellent. We can understand this through our own experience. Since the actual method to make our mind peaceful is training in meditation, we should apply effort to this training.
Excerpt from The Mirror of Dharma With Additions
We deeply enjoyed this retreat and the spending time together. It was a beautiful gathering and it even snowed, which was a special reminder of the presence of Guru Je Tsongkhapa from the land of the snows!