The Surprising Inspiration to Declutter I Found At the Museum
Four years ago I went to New York and I loved it! We spent a few days seeing the sights, but we spent an entire day in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is one of the most amazing...

Four years ago I went to New York and I loved it!
We spent a few days seeing the sights, but we spent an entire day in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is one of the most amazing places you will ever go because it is full of things throughout human history.
These items tell us a story about the lives of those who used them and display the great beauty and talent that lies within us. The surprising thing is, there at one of the greatest museums in the world, I got the inspiration to declutter.
I Got Inspiration to Declutter When I Saw How Long Things Last
As I got lost in the exhibits I saw so many things that were amazing displays of talent and beautiful representations of culture. It was like traveling the world and time all at once.
But then, I stood before some clay beads and straw woven sandals that were found in Mesopotamia and dated back thousands of years and I had seen something like that before.
I had seen almost the same sandals and beads hundreds of times, on every school field trip, to the Pueblo ruins in my hometown.
Seeing those little things reminded me of my little plastic shoes and the glass and stone beads I like to make jewelry with. Yes, I wear shoes and make jewelry just like those girls hundreds and thousands of years ago did. That should have felt meaningful. But that was not what I thought of at that moment.
Instead, my first thought was, “That junk is still around.”
Yep. You can hate me if you want to, but that’s what I thought. Those sandals and beads weren’t amazing or special to their owners—and yet hundreds and even thousands of years later, that stuff was here in front of me. I didn’t want my shoes or even the jewelry I have made to be around thousands of years in the future.
My Inspiration to Declutter Things I Don’t Want Around in 1000 Years
What I realized in that moment is this: Stuff lasts.
I mean it really lasts. So the stuff we own and create matters.
My plastic flip flops are going to sit in a museum one day. And that doesn’t make me feel good. I don’t actually want that to happen.
I literally felt the need to immediately go home and get rid of stuff I didn’t want the museum getting their hands on. It gave me inspiration to declutter what doesn’t matter and stop buying and making stuff that isn’t important.
So that begs the question, what does matter that much to me?
If I could live for 1000 years, what would I keep? When I am gone, what do I want archaeologists to learn about me from my stuff? What about you?
This Inspiration to Declutter Changed My Perspective
I have honestly thought about this often over the four years since we went to New York.
I thought about it when my grandmother died and when I sold her china tea-cups. Again, it came to mind when we moved from our studio apartment to the guest suite at my parent’s house. I even think about what I would want to hold onto for 1000 years when I think about my future.
I have a hard time coming up with anything. I mean, if I was living for 1000 years, I think there would be really practical stuff I would hang on to—like really quality furniture or a cast iron skillet. I would love to keep my wedding ring. I think my sewing machine and the dresses I have made might tell archaeologists a lot about me. But that’s about it. Things just aren’t inspiring when put in the context of time like that.
So what would you consider worth holding onto if you could live for 1000 years?
I Would Keep Love for 1000 Years
I think you would agree with me that in 1000 years, you would want your family. That’s what I want.
More than I want my wedding ring, I want my loving husband at my side. Also, I would love for my parents to be there. And I want us all to be healthy and happy.
If I had to choose between working full time for a big house and lots of stuff or having a life full of love, I would choose love every time. Love is something I would never declutter. It’s worth keeping. I would be proud to see my love for my family and friends in a museum. It’s worth it.
What else would I keep?
I Would Hold Onto Learning & Beauty for 1000 Years
Another thing I imagine wanting in 1000 years is knowledge and creativity and experience.
I have learned a lot in my life, but there is so much more I want to learn. Sometimes I wish I could consume knowledge faster, but I also want it to become wisdom. I want to use my knowledge to help others and to bring beauty to the world through creativity.
That’s why I’ve decided that if I could live 1000 years I would want to hold onto knowledge, creativity, and experience instead of things. I would collect it. I would travel and work hard to understand other cultures. I would have long conversations with people to learn from them.
I would try to put everything I learn to use and I would try to give back beauty.
What Does This Inspiration To Declutter Make You Want to Keep?
What would you hold onto for 1000 years? If you were alive 1000 years from today what would you want in your house? Do you own anything right now that you would want in 1000 years? Is any of your stuff worthy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art?
When it comes down to it, it’s not about the stuff. Even at the museum, it’s not about the stuff. It’s about the lives, and cultures, and hearts, and minds, and talent of all the beautiful people who have lived before us!
It’s about inspiration—inspiration to declutter and curate the past so we can keep growing and striving and living!
So remember that when you buy stuff and when you let go of stuff. What is that stuff saying about your life? Is it really that important? Or would you rather, if you could live for 1000 years, hold onto the love of your family, the amazing things you can learn, and the beauty you can create?
I will never forget the inspiration to declutter I got in the museum that day. That change of perspective makes it easier to let go of things and focus on the things that matter.
Things like love, learning, and beauty are the things worthy of remembering 1000 years from now.
They are worth remembering forever. That’s why they are worth remembering every single day.
About the Author: Jessalynn Jones writes her blog Doable Simplicity to help you simplify your life. She wants to help you make the minimalist lifestyle a way of life that brings you joy and freedom as you reach your big picture goals!