The top 5 brand TikToks you need to know about right now
Ad Age's take on the top brand TikTok videos of the past month.

No. 1: Prime is quick to deliver, slow to TikTok
While Amazon has a couple of TikTok accounts, it recently made one focused on Amazon Prime. For its debut video, Amazon enlisted the help of Jason Derulo (who has his own 52 million followers), captioning the video, “Oh hey TikTok. We’re new here. @Jason Derulo what did we miss?” Derulo runs through popular trends from the last year on TikTok.
But users were quick to call out Amazon, with comments like: “You missed paying your employees more and giving them better working conditions,” and “You missed paying your workers a livable wage.” Amazon deleted the comments, but has allowed a few to remain on the video. The inaugural TikTok has over 29 million views.