The Year's *Only* New Moon In Libra Is Here To Accelerate Your Relationships

This week is all about balance and harmony.

The Year's *Only* New Moon In Libra Is Here To Accelerate Your Relationships
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The Year's *Only* New Moon In Libra Is Here To Accelerate Your Relationships

September 17, 2022 — 12:38 PM

This week is all about balance and harmony as we step into Libra season. Here's what The AstroTwins want you to know.

Libra season begins this Thursday, September 22, and dynamic duos will hit their stride.

.... But not in the “OMG, we have everything in common!” kind of way. Since Libra is the sign of the scales, use this time to join forces with people who have complementary skill sets. That’s what creates the perfect balance.

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mbg's The AstroTwins reveal all on Cosmic Love on Prime Video

This gracious zodiac season is ideal for networking with new folks while also fortifying existing relationships. No need to wait until the holidays to send gifts to your top clients or treat a prospective project partner to lunch. Personalized touches, however big or small, will go a long way to cement loyalty. 

Cupid will make plenty of cameos over the next four weeks, and many of his arrows are sure to hit the mark. (Provided you open your heart and provide a clear shot, of course.) If you’ve been flying solo, it’s time to collaborate and communicate with joy once again. And indulge! Libra season gives us a weak spot for life’s finer things: haute cuisine, beautiful fabrics, art, music, and all kinds of revelry. Just watch the cash flow when following the hedonistic impulses. In between wining and dining, go out of your way to appreciate the “little things.”

Is it time to make a peace offering? Libra’s harmonious vibes help smooth over rough patches in our most important unions. It’s rarely too late to at least try to make amends. Thanks to the gracious diplomacy of this solar cycle, others are more willing to accept a heartfelt apology.

The devil is in the microscopic details starting Friday as retrograde Mercury slips back from even-keeled Libra into keen-eyed Virgo.

Review everything on the finest setting possible during the backspin, which lasts until October 2. Be an unapologetic purist when you go on any research or sourcing missions. Can you find a greener solution that not only saves you cash but is also socially and environmentally responsible? Constructive feedback is hard to suppress while Mercury’s in its home sign of analytical Virgo—but check the judgmental attitude. Buffer your pro tips with a “praise sandwich,” starting and ending with the positives so people feel empowered by your input. Focus on wellness, too! With the mindful planet in this healthy sign, you can successfully start (and sustain) new habits by writing things down and planning ahead. Keep it simple!

Ready for some world-class romance—and romanticizing? On Sunday, September 25, the new moon in Libra, the only one this year, tickles us pink.

It also drops a rose-colored filter over the lens, helping us see people in the best possible light. Nothing wrong with that as long as you keep one foot planted in the reality zone. With Jupiter retrograde in speed-demon Aries, budding relationships will accelerate based on pure animal attraction. And Mercury is still retrograde, albeit in Virgo, until October 2. Try to remember, however, that everyone has a “human” side, which, of course, is why marriage vows include the “for worse” clause. So even if your hormones are firing on all cylinders, take time to learn the full spectrum of any fascinating new characters who come into your life. Need to find a better balance between “mine” and “ours”? Healthy relationships include room for autonomy as well as togetherness. Couples may begin important conversations around ways to better support each other’s independent interests—without getting triggered or threatened!

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