These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Impacted By The New Moon In Capricorn
It'll be transformative.

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December 29, 2024 We have a rare "black moon" this month, with it being the second new moon arriving in the month of December. It will be exact on December 30 at 5:27 p.m. EST, making it the last new moon of the year, and it will be in the sign of Capricorn. Of course, we can all expect something a little different depending on our zodiac sign, and these three signs will be impacted the most. Here's what to know.Capricorn
With the new moon (and the sun) in your sign, Capricorn, you're sure to feel its effects. As it moves through your first house of self and identity, it could feel like you're starting a whole new chapter, so start visualizing what you want it to look like!
Optimism and forward momentum are at your back right now, and with Uranus retrograde in fellow earth sign Taurus, you're gearing up for big changes. You may have been reassessing your values and priorities recently, and now it's finally time to get out of reflection mode and spring into action. It's your time to shine!
With this new moon moving through your sixth house of self-care, routines, and habits, Leo, you could be putting a lot of pressure on yourself right now. Capricorn is an extremely structured and disciplined sign, so this energy is encouraging you to get serious about your own habits.
Not to mention, Mars (the planet of action and motivation) is retrograde in your sign, so you might have lots of grand plans and resolutions—but have a hard time carrying them out. It's par for the course at this time, so take it easy on yourself. In 2025, keep up the good habits you've already established this past year, and create more routine and structure in those areas where you're slacking off.
This could be an intense new moon on the home front for you, Libra, as it hones in on in your fourth house of home, roots, and family. With Capricorn's influence doubling down on productivity and hard work, you could feel pressured to make changes—and fast. Not to mention, the moon is squaring your natal sun. And with changemaker Uranus retrograde in Taurus, it's further influencing you to reassess values and make necessary pivots.
Let this new moon inspire some positive changes or shifts in your home or family life. You might air out some family drama that's been brewing over the holidays, repairing wounds and healing certain dynamics. Or, it could simply look like refreshing your space with new decor, rearranging furniture, or moving all together.
The takeaway
We can all expect to be impacted by this new moon, but for Capricorn, Leo, and Libra, they'll have especially powerful opportunities for growth and change. From Capricorn's identity in general, to Leo's everyday routine, and Libra's home and family life, all three signs can all look forward to a fresh start.