This Herb Is A+ For Longevity In Postmenopausal Women
New research shows that it can help support biological age, antioxidant status, and more.

September 13, 2021 — 21:32 PM
As we get older, it goes without saying that we'd all like to maintain our health. But in the case of postmenopausal women, reduced estrogen makes them vulnerable to oxidative stress. The good news? New research published in the journal Nutrients suggests there's an herb that can support multiple facets of healthy aging in women. Here's the scoop.
Studying the effects of Korean red ginseng (aka Panax ginseng).
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According to the study authors, Korean red ginseng (KRG), which perhaps you know as Panax ginseng, is suspected to have beneficial effects on both aging and antioxidant capacity. With this in mind, they wanted to explore whether KRG would support healthy biological aging and antioxidant capacity in postmenopausal women specifically.
To find out, 63 postmenopausal women were randomized to receive either 2 grams of ginseng (33 of the participants) or a placebo (30 of the participants) for eight weeks.
During this time, their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number was monitored to assess biological aging, as was their total antioxidant status (TAS). Participants also shared their energy levels and alertness before and after the study.
After the eight weeks were up, those who were administered the KRG had significantly better numbers, including more mtDNA copies (i.e., less aging) and TAS (which means better antioxidant status), as well as increased energy levels, compared to the placebo group.
As the study authors write, "The mtDNA copy number is associated with aging and oxidative stress. Therefore, our result suggests that consuming KRG can increase mitochondrial functioning, which is negatively [i.e., inversely] associated with biological aging." In other words, the better your mitochondria are doing (its function and the more copies of its DNA), the fewer aging processes are going on.
More research is needed to determine the optimal dose and duration for supplementing with ginseng. It's also worth mentioning that participants in this study were solely Korean postmenopausal women, and researchers couldn't control other variables that may have influenced their results. Nevertheless, "Our findings are consistent with those of previous studies on the effectiveness of KRG," the researchers say.
Panax ginseng is readily available on the market today if you're curious to give it a try to support perimenopausal health.* As always, talk to your doctor before incorporating any new supplement into your routine.

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