Tricycle’s Highlights From the Week: New Film Club, Dharma Talk, and Short Guided Meditation

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Tricycle’s Highlights From the Week: New Film Club, Dharma Talk, and Short Guided Meditation

Trike Daily Buddha BuzzNews

Plus more news from the Buddhist world you may have missed

By TricycleJun 04, 2022

Nothing is permanent, everything is precious. Here’s a selection of some happenings—fleeting or otherwise—at Tricycle and in the Buddhist world this week.

June’s Film Club: The Wisdom of Trauma 

In Tricycle’s monthly Film Club selection, The Wisdom of Trauma, renowned physician and author Dr. Gabor Maté explores how true healing becomes possible once we learn to embrace our deepest wounds. Before July 1, watch the film here

June’s Dharma Talk: “You Can’t Be Yourself By Yourself: Overcoming Structural Selfishness”

malcolm martin structural selfishness

June’s Dharma Talk with UK-based Ordinary Mind Zen teacher Malcolm Martin explores the relationship between personal suffering and the suffering of all beings. Overcoming “structural selfishness,” he proposes, can transform the quality of care we show to ourselves, each other, and the world. Watch the talk here.

An Interview with Playwright Sarah Ruhl About Her New Poetry Collection, Love Poems in Quarantine

sarah ruhl love poems in quarantinePhoto by Kathleen Hinkel

Sarah Ruhl’s new book, which came out May 31, documents the mundanity and weight of the first few months of the pandemic. Read an interview with the playwright here.

A Practice From Meditation Teacher Joseph Goldstein on Working with Fear

meditation practice fearPhoto by Ben Warren

Joseph Goldstein explains how we can slowly train ourselves to relax and open when we arrive at the limit of our comfort zone during meditation. Read the article here

A Short Guided Meditation on Welcoming and Offering

Illustration by Angela Huang

In the final of four short audio practices on Open Mindfulness, a series of practices that explores Tibetan Buddhist awareness practices in the context of the modern mindfulness movement, meditation teacher Lama Karma demonstrates the technique of welcoming-offering, which can help foster compassionate exchange within our relationships. Try it here.

Coming Up

June 8: Roger Jackson on Tricycle Talks

Tune in on Wednesday, June 8 to hear scholar Roger Jackson discuss rebirth on our podcast. Listen here.

June 13: A Virtual Workshop on Understanding Dependent Arising 

In preparation for Tricycle’s newest online course, Bodhi College cofounders Stephen Batchelor, Christina Feldman and Akincano Weber will host a free, hour-long virtual workshop exploring dependent arising as the bedrock of Buddhist wisdom. Register here.

In Other News…

The Arrow in America’s Heart

In the wake of the Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas shootings, Elizabeth Dias, who covers faith and politics for the New York Times, asked in an article titled “The Arrow in America’s Heart,” how much we, as Americans, value a single life. She opened by quoting writer, chaplain, and teacher Chenxing Han, whose new course, “Listening to the Buddhists in Our Backyard,” at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, will be highlighted on Tricycle next week. 

One of the World’s Largest Media Facades Features Sign Language Interpretation of the Heart Sutra

Commissioned as a part of Art Basel, Hong Kong artist Ellen Pau’s The Shape of Light, displayed on the 123-foot by 360-foot M+ facade, which overlooks Victoria Harbor, features a 14-minute video of healing messages, including the Heart Sutra interpreted in sign language.

Tergar Announces an Online Retreat with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

The Tergar Meditation Community will host an online retreat from June 17–20 led by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar’s founder and the master of the Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Under the retreat’s theme, “Mind of a Bodhisattva: Practicing Emptiness in Everyday Life,” participants will explore transformative ways of viewing oneself and the world.  

Tibetan Tulku Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Launches New Website

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, the renowned Tibetan tulku, has released a new educational website called freshmind. The interactive resource will offer courses, guided meditations, and short videos, with a focus on secular dharma and “tools intended to help apply the teachings to everyday life,” freshmind told Buddhist Door Global.

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