Tui Group reports rising demand for ‘green and fairer’ packages
Customers took 43m sustainable holidays between 2015-20

More people are choosing ‘greener and fairer’ package holidays staying at hotels with independent sustainability certification in the last six years, Tui claims.
The company reported an 84% increase, with almost 10.3 million customers choosing one in 2019.
Tui Group’s latest data shows that its customers took 43 million more sustainable holidays between 2015 and 2020.
Analysis of 300 hotels showed that certified accommodation deliver much better environmental performance – demonstrating 10% lower CO2 emissions, 24% lower waste, 19% less fresh water used per guest night, 23% higher use of green energy and a nine per cent higher employment rate of local staff.
They also deliver higher quality and customer satisfaction scores, according to the company.
Based on this data, customers choosing ‘greener and fairer’ holidays in the last six years have saved the equivalent annual emissions of 144,000 cars, the annual the annual energy needs of 108,000 households, the water volume of 10,600 Olympic-sized swimming pools – and waste that would require 15,700 waste trucks to transport.
Tui Group Chief sustainability officer Thomas Ellerbeck said: “Forty three million greener and fairer holidays are a strong starting point for Tui Group’s commitment to sustainability.
“They show that we take responsibility and work on concrete solutions for more sustainable tourism, together with our partners in the destinations.
“As an industry leader, we can set standards in sustainability and scale them globally.”
He added: “Our sustainability strategy for the coming years will build on these successes and drive impactful change.
“Ecological sustainability as nature and species conservation, as well as social sustainability – i.e. better training, education and life prospects for the people living in the holiday destinations – are equally important goals. We look forward to presenting our new strategy soon.”
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