Understanding the Three Granthis in Yoga: Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra

In yogic philosophy, granthis are psychic knots or blockages that prevent the free flow of energy in the body and hinder spiritual growth. The word “granthi” comes from the Sanskrit term for knots and represents the mental, emotional, and...

Understanding the Three Granthis in Yoga: Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra
Brahma Granthi Vishnu Granthi Rudra Granthi granthis in yoga

In yogic philosophy, granthis are psychic knots or blockages that prevent the free flow of energy in the body and hinder spiritual growth. The word “granthi” comes from the Sanskrit term for knots and represents the mental, emotional, and physical barriers that bind us to our conditioned existence. These knots limit our awareness and keep us stuck in attachments, fears, and limitations.

There are three main granthis: Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi, and Rudra Granthi. Each one corresponds to a different aspect of human consciousness and plays a crucial role in spiritual development. Let’s explore these three knots and their impact.

1. Brahma Granthi: The root of survival instincts

Location: Muladhara chakra (root chakra) Nature: Governs the basic survival instincts: safety, food, sleep and reproduction. Significance: While essential for survival, it can hold us back from spiritual growth by binding us to physical and emotional attachments.

The Brahma Granthi, the first of the three psychic nodes, is located in the Muladhara Chakra and controls our survival instincts. It is closely linked to the primal needs for security, stability and survival. This includes basic physical and emotional needs such as food, sleep, safety and sexuality, which are essential for sustaining life.

However, these survival instincts can also limit higher consciousness. When consciousness becomes too absorbed in these basic needs, the Brahma Granthi creates an energetic blockage that prevents progression beyond material desires. While being grounded in the physical world is a necessity for survival, it can also trap us in a repetitive cycle of attachment to the material world.

The challenge of Brahma Granthi lies in its potential to foster unhealthy attachments and imbalances. These instincts, if misguided, can lead to excessive materialism or compulsive behavior, often as a means to fill an inner void. However, it is important to understand that these instincts are not inherently good or bad. They are fundamental to human existence and require conscious awareness to control and balance them for spiritual development.

2. Vishnu Granthi: Mental & emotional boundaries

Location: Anahata chakra (heart chakra) Nature: Regulates emotional and mental boundaries, including attachment to one’s identity, belief systems and emotional patterns. Significance: This granthi shapes our relationships and how we see the world, influencing our connection to love and fear..

The Vishnu Granthi is the second psychic node and is located in the heart chakra (Anahata). This granthi is closely connected to our emotional and mental boundaries and influences how we perceive ourselves and how we relate to others. It regulates attachments to self-identity, belief systems and emotional patterns that often manifest in the way we define ourselves and interpret external circumstances.

This knot represents the tension between love and fear. It is closely associated with attachments to ego, self-worth and rigid mental frames that can limit our ability to see the world clearly. When the heart chakra is blocked by Vishnu Granthi, it hinders our ability to experience unconditional love and divine connection and keeps us trapped in narrow emotional and mental constructs.

To overcome Vishnu Granthi, you need to let go of attachments to egoic identities and beliefs and take a broader perspective. Practices such as forgiveness, compassion and acceptance are key to opening the heart chakra and dissolving this blockage. By softening these boundaries, we allow for greater emotional freedom and the ability to connect to higher states of love and understanding.

3. Rudra Granthi: The last frontier of transcendence

Location: Ajna Chakra (third eye chakra) Nature: Governs the higher intellect, intuition and the final attachment to personal identity. Significance: Represents the final barrier to self-realization, requiring the dissolution of the ego and the illusion of separation.

The Rudra Granthi is the most difficult of the three nodes and is located at the Ajna Chakra (third eye). This granthi represents the final frontier on the path of self-realization, where the practitioner must overcome the deep attachments to personal identity, the fear of death and the illusion of separation between the self and the universe.

Closely linked to the fear of the unknown, the Rudra Granthi binds us to the concept of individuality and the cycle of birth and death. It is often the most difficult knot to untie because it requires the abandonment of the ego and the merging with cosmic consciousness. To overcome this knot, we must confront and overcome our deepest fears, including the fear of losing our identity.

To dissolve the Rudra Granthi, practices such as deep meditation, self-inquiry and expansive consciousness are essential. When this blockage is broken, deep states of awareness and enlightenment arise, allowing the practitioner to experience oneness with the universe, in which the distinction between the self and the cosmos completely dissolves.

Also Read: 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening

The Importance of Untying the Granthis

Untying the granthis is an important part of spiritual growth. Think of them as mental knots or blockages that stop us from fully understanding ourselves. As we work through and untangle each knot, we begin to feel freer, clearer, and more aware. These knots represent things in our mind that hold us back from realizing our true potential. By letting go of them, we can move closer to spiritual freedom, known as moksha, where we experience peace and connection with everything around us.

How to work with Granthis

Meditation: Meditating on the chakras linked to each granthi can help clear blockages. Focus on the Muladhara (root) chakra for Brahma Granthi, the Anahata (heart) chakra for Vishnu Granthi, and the Ajna (third eye) chakra for Shiva Granthi. Using mantras, visualizations, and breathing exercises can also support this process. Yoga Poses: Certain yoga poses can help open and balance the chakras, allowing the granthis to release. Poses like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Bridge Pose, Camel Pose, and Child’s Pose help clear the energy flow. Breathing Exercises: Breathwork is important for untangling the granthis. Practices like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalbhati (skull shining breath) help clear energy blockages and improve mental clarity. Self-Reflection: Being aware of your attachments and desires helps in recognizing the granthis in everyday life. Practices like journaling, mindfulness, and self-reflection help identify these blockages and begin to release them.


Granthis are important ideas in yogic philosophy. They represent the obstacles that block spiritual growth and the free flow of energy, or prana. There are three granthis Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi, and Shiva Granthi, each connected to a different stage of human consciousness and attachment. To untie these knots, one needs consistent practice, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises (pranayama), and self-awareness. As each knot is undone, the person gets closer to self-realization and spiritual freedom, experiencing more peace, clarity, and a stronger connection to the universal flow of energy.