Vent Journaling: Why You Need to Practice “Rage on the Page” (Plus 4 Steps to Try It)
Do you ever feel that journaling isn’t for you? Does it seem too optimistic or even too sappy for you? Vent journaling is for you! Vent journaling allows you to be as mean, rude, or as negative as you...

Do you ever feel that journaling isn’t for you? Does it seem too optimistic or even too sappy for you? Vent journaling is for you!
Vent journaling allows you to be as mean, rude, or as negative as you need to be. It is all about letting out all of your frustrations, anger, triggers, etc.
This journaling technique is an adaptation of Gabby Bernstein’s “Rage on the Page.” Gabby mentions this journaling technique in several of her podcasts, including “Addiction and How to Overcome It” as well as her book Happy Days.
Rage is a normal feeling that everyone should allow.
Curious if vent journaling is for you? Read on to learn why this practice is an important tool to process negative emotions and how to do it! Get ready to let it all go!
Why Use Vent Journaling?
Ordinarily, a seemingly negative and anger-centered practice is not typically recommended, but vent journaling or “Rage on the Page” really does serve the purpose of getting the negative out to let the positive in.
In her podcast episode, “Addiction, Psychedelics and Reframing Trauma—Big Talk with Dr. Gabor Maté”, Gabby shares that she used her spirituality as a way to protect herself and kept her from being able to feel her rage.
This is why “Rage on the Page” is so helpful. It permits these feelings and gives an outlet to deal with them.
Here’s How to Vent Journal In 5 Steps:
If you’re ready to rage on the page, then follow these steps to set the mood for a powerful vent journaling session!
1. Have a Designated Journal for Vent Journaling
First, get a new journal, specifically for vent journaling. For those who are into symbolism, then a red or black journal is a good fit for your special vent journal. Next, grab your favorite pen, the one where you can write comfortably and effortlessly.
2. Setting Matters
Find a place and a time where you can be alone, not be disturbed, and most importantly, be yourself! Turn off your phone notifications and give yourself this time to process.
3. Turn Up the Music
Find your favorite rage music. You know, that one song you turn to when you are in the worst mood and you want to stomp and scream it out, like Rage Against the Machine, System of a Down or Disturbed.
Then, find a song that fits your mood. For “Rage on the Page”, Gabby Bernstein recommends bilateral music because it stimulates both sides of the brain.
Put in your AirPods and jam out. Jump and dance around. Stomp your feet or bang your fists on the counter. Move your body.
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4. Set a Timer and Vent Journal
Once the song is over, set a timer. Bernstein recommends twenty minutes for “Rage on the Page”, but many people simply do not have the time, nor the desire, to vent journal for that long. You do you! Pick an amount of time you are comfortable with and set a timer.
During this time you are vent journaling all of the things that are getting under your skin, all the things that caused you to be overstimulated for the day. Rage on the page!
Get it all out.
Write out all the things that went wrong for the day. All of the resentments you have about whatever it is that is bothering you. Do not worry about how you are writing; capitalization, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Brain-dump every little thing that is boiling your blood. How did those things make you feel? How is your body feeling? Where are you feeling this anger, frustration and resentment in your body? What are these triggers that are overstimulating you? What does your overstimulation look like?
Then Try This Post-Vent Journaling Meditation
Finally, give yourself a few minutes to wrap up your session with a meditation. You will not believe how amazing a post-vent journaling meditation session can be.
Once you get out all the negativity that is eating you up, you leave yourself wide open to take in all the benefits of a good meditation session. Again, use the time you have. For “Rage on the Page” journaling, Gabby recommends a twenty-minute meditation.
Follow These Simple Steps:
Here is how to meditate after your vent journaling session.
Find a place where you can sit comfortably – cross-legged on the floor, in a chair, on on the couch Set another timer for one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, etc. Wherever you are, start there. It is recommended that your meditation time should increase as you establish a regular vent journaling practice Before closing your eyes, begin to notice your surroundings: the smells, the temperature, how your body makes contact with your seat, your breath, your internal landscape Shift your focus more fully to your breath; take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth On your second or third breath, close your eyes and begin to let go of the sounds, smells, and feelings you took notice of and just rest your awareness on your breathing Continue noticing your breath, simply noticing If it supports you, allow yourself to count your breaths: inhale one, exhale two, inhale three, exhale four Your thoughts may drift in and out; allow your thoughts to come and go, like clouds in the sky. No judgement When you come to the end of your meditation, bring your awareness to your body, beginning to notice how it has shifted Open your eyes and close out your post-vent journaling meditation in any way that feels good to youCreate Your Own DIY Meditation Altar In 7 Steps: Here’s How
Let It All Go With Vent Journaling
Once you have completed your vent journaling and meditation, leave it there. Do not go back to that rage entry. Do not rehash what you wrote down. Let it go!
You may feel drawn to switch to a different journal to write down any insights that may have come from your vent journaling session and meditation. Maybe you want to journal about the relief you felt from the whole process.
Follow These 5 Journaling Prompts to Release the Fears That Hold You Back
Please feel free to visit vent journaling, aka “Rage on the Page,” whenever you have a bad moment, a bad day or a bad week. We all have them. Whatever it is, allow this practice to serve you and heal you.
Have you tried this form of journaling before? If you tried it for the first time after reading this article, what did you think? Please share your experience below – we love hearing from you!