Visit and blessing of future home of KMC Rio de Janeiro
On Saturday 2nd November in the heart of the Botafogo precinct of Rio de Janeiro, some 150 people brimming with joyful energy arrived for the blessing of the newly-purchased future home of KMC Rio de Janeiro

On Saturday, November 2nd, in the heart of the Botafogo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, some 150 people brimming with joyful energy arrived for the blessing of the newly-purchased future home of KMC Rio de Janeiro. The multi-storey building, complete with a roof-top terrace overlooking the famous Christ the Redeemer statue, is presently a blank canvas soon to be developed into a vibrant center with meditation space for 300 people as well as residential space.
The future meditation room was temporarily transformed for the occasion, with an exquisite shrine and an overflowing tsog offering table. The event began with a heart-felt talk from our General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Dekyong, where we shared in Venerable Geshe-la's compassionate vision for this center to be of spiritual benefit to the city's 12+ million residents and tourists flocking to this popular destination in search of happiness.
The space was then pervaded by the sound of local and international Kadampas chanting Wishfulfilling Jewel with tsog offering prayers together in Portuguese. Everyone lingered afterwards to enjoy a banquet of Brazilian food, examine the architectural drawings and soak up the atmosphere of this now very blessed space.