What Are The Chakra Frequencies, And How Do They Promote Healing?
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The chakra system is an integral part of the subtle body, playing a massive role in how we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. We feel whole, peaceful, and harmonic when our seven primary chakras are aligned. However, if one or more energy centers are underactive, we may feel the adverse effects on our physical body, emotions, or mental state.
Luckily, ancient yogic teachings reveal various healing techniques to unblock chakras and restore spiritual order. Chakra frequencies are believed to be a beneficial healing tool among yoga postures, guided meditation, and visualization. But just what are chakra frequencies, and how do their healing tones work on the subtle body?
What Is Sound Healing?
Chakra frequencies are a form of sound healing, a therapy that uses music, sound, and vibrational tones to enhance health and wellbeing. Sound healing therapy uses tools to create vibrations, such as gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and tuning forks. When working on the chakra system, sound healing practitioners use specific frequencies that stimulate and open the energy centers.
Solfeggio Frequencies And The Chakras

The frequencies associated with the chakras are known as solfeggio frequencies. These sound patterns resonate at a particular Hz frequency to interact with our brains and generate vibrations throughout our physical and subtle bodies. Along with opening the chakras to enhance the positive qualities of the energy centers, listening to solfeggio frequencies can promote instant feelings of relaxation, calmness, and stress relief.
It is believed that solfeggio frequencies date back to ancient history, where they were used in Western Christianity, chanted by Gregorian Monks, and in Eastern Indian religions, such as in Sanskrit chants. However, solfeggio frequencies and sound healing did not become mainstream until the 1970s.
During this time, physician and researcher Dr. Joseph Puleo identified six vibrational tones that create harmonic resonance in the body and aid in healing. His research also found that these frequencies affect the conscious mind and can tap into the subconscious, allowing practitioners to identify and release subconscious negative beliefs.
How Do Frequencies Heal Chakras?

The Solfeggio frequencies have such positive effects on the chakras because they resonate in harmony with the Schumann resonance of 8 Hz, the fundamental resonance of our planet. Moreover, the low frequency of the Schumann resonance has been found to promote synchronization for higher brain function as it matches the five different brainwave states: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.
However, it’s important to note that chakras do not share the same frequency. Instead, all the seven major chakras resonate at different frequencies that correspond to the energy of that particular center. For example, the solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz is connected to the heart chakra as it carries peaceful, healing energy to mend broken hearts and create harmonious relationships.
The six frequencies that Dr. Joseph Puleo discovered create the solfeggio scale:
396 Hz – This smooth tone is associated with the root chakra and can release feelings of guilt, fear, and trauma. 417 Hz – This solfeggio frequency corresponds to the sacral chakra and helps bring positive change and increase creativity.528 Hz – This is known as the transformational frequency as it affects the cellular processes, rewiring neural pathways in the brain to create miracles in our lives. It is connected to the solar plexus chakra.639 Hz – The love frequency is connected with the heart chakra, healing, intimacy, and vulnerability.741 Hz – This solfeggio frequency corresponds to the throat chakra as it can raise self-confidence and self-belief around communicating ideas.852 Hz – This frequency is associated with the third eye chakra as it breaks down illusions, increases mental clarity, and can prompt astral projections.The solfeggio scale connects with six of the seven major chakras. Further scientific research then discovered three additional solfeggio frequencies, one of which connects with the seventh chakra, Sahasrara.
174 Hz – The lowest solfeggio frequency carries the power to reduce pain in the physical self and help us feel safe, grounded, and secure.285 Hz – This solfeggio frequency targets the energetic field as a whole and is used to discover and heal holes in our aura and blockages in the chakra system.963 Hz – This solfeggio frequency is associated with the crown chakra as it connects us to universal wisdom, higher realms, and other dimensions.The 7 Chakra Frequencies
Everything in the universe has a specific frequency, including the chakras. Each of the seven major chakras vibrates at different frequencies and notes on the solfeggio scale. Let’s look at each chakra and its associated solfeggio frequency.

Root Chakra
The root chakra (Muladhara) contains safety, security, and stability qualities. In addition, it governs our basic needs, helping us survive so we can thrive. The root chakra frequency is 396 Hz.
Listening to 396 Hz healing meditation music can free you from fear or guilt and dissolve negative thinking and emotions. It can also help you end destructive behavior that prevents you from feeling safe and secure in yourself, the environment around you, and the world.
This low vibrational tone has long wavelengths that generate calming and soothing sensations. This can help you move past trauma, which is often a reason for lack of safety and stability. In addition, it encourages feelings of courage, strength, and resourcefulness to help you survive stressful and traumatic experiences that may unground you.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) governs our emotions, sexuality, and sensuality. The qualities of the second chakra can help us find and connect to our passion in life, reach our creative potential, and regulate our emotions. The second chakra frequency is 417 Hz.
417 Hz chakra healing music can boost your creativity and release you from any creative blocks you may be experiencing. Along with the previous solfeggio frequency, this one is known to heal past trauma, particularly sexual trauma that may have created a blockage in the sacral chakra. The 417 Hz frequency can also bring out positive change in our lives and help us become “unstuck.”
This healing vibration can also positively affect the physical body, relieving tension and stress in the joints and muscles (particularly around the hips close to the Svadhisthana). This, in turn, increases flexibility and mobility.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) determines how we see ourselves, carrying qualities like self-belief, self-confidence, willpower, and determination. As the Manipura contains fiery energy, this center is the part of ourselves where you can tap into our courage and personal power, enabling us to take action and follow our dreams. The solar plexus chakra frequency is 528 Hz
Listening to healing music with a 528 Hz tone can help initiate personal transformation and transmute negative traits like fearfulness and lack of confidence into positive qualities like tenacity and perseverance. This is because this solfeggio frequency helps to rewire neural pathways relating to self-image.
The 528 Hz is also known to ease anxiety and physical tension and increase the digestive fire, promoting weight loss.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra (Anahata) is the energy center that governs heart matters like moving past relationship breakdowns and mending family disagreements. Its qualities include compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and gratitude. It is also related to peace and joy as it allows us to freely give and receive love (to ourselves and others).
The Anahata chakra frequency is 639 Hz, known as the love frequency. The deep tone connects to us on an intimate and vulnerable level, promoting healing around relationships. Therefore listening to 639 Hz heart chakra frequency music can help us move through problems and create harmonious and healthy relationships with our partners, families, and friends.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is our communication center, holding qualities of clear speaking, effective communication, and compassionate listening. It allows us to voice our opinions without fear and express our creative ideas. The Vishuddha chakra frequency is 741 Hz.
Listening to 741 Hz healing meditation music can boost your confidence and creative thinking, assist you in generating new ideas, and empower you to speak your truth. The frequency also allows us to listen to and trust ourselves rather than depend on others’ ideas and views.
741 Hz is a detoxifying vibration that can clear toxins and electromagnetic radiation from the human body. It is also believed that this frequency can purify viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.
Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra (Ajna) is linked to our physical and spiritual vision. On a physical level, it gives us strong sight, and on a spiritual level, it allows us to connect to our imagination and intuition so that we can see and follow guidance from our higher selves and the divine. The throat chakra solfeggio frequency is 852 Hz.
852 Hz chakra healing meditation music can help clear your mind to stimulate creative thinking and access different perspectives. The vibration is also known to trigger astral projections and deep dreams, break down illusions, and help you see reality.
The 852 Hz frequency works deep in the brain, rewiring neural pathways, and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This aids in awakening intuition and connecting with your higher self.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra (Sahasrara) increases our connection to universal energy and deepens our spiritual life journey. Opening this chakra allows us to master ourselves, dissolve the ego and cultivate a profound relationship with all living things.
The highest tone on the solfeggio scale is the crown chakra frequency of 963 Hz. 963 Hz meditation music has short wavelengths that raise human consciousness. It is believed this frequency has the power to access higher realms and dimensions and channel energy.
Final Thoughts
Using solfeggio frequencies in chakra healing can be a profound way to heal and balance the chakra system and subtle body. The different frequencies of the solfeggio scale can bring harmonic resonance to each energy center, cultivate positive emotions, and raise consciousness. To maximize the healing potential, combine frequency meditation music with other techniques like visualizing the associated colors of the chakras.