Who is my Enlightened Life Protector Based on Tibetan Animal Sign Zodiac in Buddhism? According to Mewa, Mahayana tradition and Kalachakra-based astrology (with Mantra Videos!)

Who is my birth year Enlightened Buddha protector in my journey through this lifetime according to Vajrayana Buddhism? Which Enlightened protector is at my side constantly according to Birth Mewa? Who is our Zodiac protector according to Kalachakra teachings?...

Who is my Enlightened Life Protector Based on Tibetan Animal Sign Zodiac in Buddhism? According to Mewa, Mahayana tradition and Kalachakra-based astrology (with Mantra Videos!)

12 Zodiacs and Buddha zodiac upscaled lowBuddha Weekly

Who is my birth year Enlightened Buddha protector in my journey through this lifetime according to Vajrayana Buddhism? Which Enlightened protector is at my side constantly according to Birth Mewa? Who is our Zodiac protector according to Kalachakra teachings? How can I tap into the power of my own Enlightened Protector? Concept art by Buddha Weekly.

With LOSAR imminent (this year, February 28), we tend to automatically “check our horoscope” — in this case, Tibetan and Buddhist astrological indicators. One important practice in Buddhist astrology is our birth, life and continuity protectors, or Enlightened Buddhas who especially help us in this lifetime.

For those who do not know their birth, life and continuity deities, read on. The map is not overly complicated, and it can help ensure your current life is productive, prosperous, virtuous and leads, ultimately to Enlightenment or realizations.

Birth, Life and Continuity Protectors

In most lineages of Buddhist astrology, our lunar birth year is linked to our karmic dispositions in this life and the next. Karma means “activity.” In part, the implications of karma are that every action we take now, or took in a past life, shapes our future path through Samsara.

Green Tara protecting travellersGreen Tara is the Mother of the Karma family, and is everyone’s protector, but is especially the Mewa protector for Mewa 7 people, and people born in the year of the horse.

To the age old question of “why am I suffering this way?” the Buddhist answer is often karmic. This can be empowering, when we consider that karma is in our control, unlike so-called fate, which is often attributed to capricious external forces.

Just to make it interesting, we are not alone in this journey through Samsara. Due to the vast compassion of the Enlightened Bodhisattvas, we each have a trinity of protective Buddhas in our life journey — whether we realize it or not. This is due to our past karma, and our present needs.

Enlightened Deities to Count On

Every person has three Enlightened Life Deities or Buddhas, based on their lunar birth year. You can refer to the chart of dates from 1921 – 2030 in the charts below.

Buddha Weekly Manjushri Orange BuddhismManjushri is the protector of wisdom, but especially of people with Mewa 9 and those born in the year of the Rabbit and the year of the Rat.

The three systems are the eight Zodiac Buddhas, the Birth Mewa Buddha, and the Enlightened Activity Protector. The other descriptions of these same three are: Birth, Life and Continuity Protectors. Of these, the Mewa Buddha system is the most complicated, because it takes into account the five elements as well. This makes 60 separate astrological possibilities in terms of lunar birth year.

The 12 Animal Signs Based on Birth Year

The 12 Animal Signs are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. 

12 Zodiacs and Buddha zodiac upscaled lowBuddha Weekly

See the inset charts with all the years from 1921 to 2030 (for your future babies) which not only tell you which animal sign you are, they tell you which element.

Each of these 12 animals has five elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire. So, there are five Rabbits, and 5 Monkeys, and so on. Each cycle is 60 years.

Once you know, from the chart below, if you are a water rabbit or a fire monkey, for example, you can refer to the Mewa descriptions below to find your Enlightened Mewa Buddha deity. For the Zodiac and Life Protectors you only need to know which animal year.

Zodiac or Birth Enlightened Protectors

The Zodiac Buddhas, who align with us due to the lunar year we are born, and generally protect us in this lifetime. We could call them our Life Patron Buddhas.

Enlightened Activity or Life Protectors

The Enlightened Activity Protector Buddha is for this lifetime — the Buddha most actively protecting and helping us now, at this very moment. This is according to Kalachakra Wheel of Time Astrology.

Mewa or Continuity Protectors

Finally, there is the Life or Mewa Buddha, who is the Buddha guiding us through this life with what we need to purify for our auspicious next life. In other words, if we wish to be Enlightened in this lifetime, or reborn in a Pureland after we pass, we need to pay attention to our Mewa Buddha. Especially important with Mewa Buddhas is having a statue in your home, practicing the Sadhanas and mantras of your Mewa Buddha.

Three Buddhas Helping You!

We can put it this way. The Life Patron Buddha guides your activities helpfully in this life time. The Mewa Buddha are the practices you need for your next lifetime or to progress your Enlightenment path. Your Enlightened Protective Activity Buddha is who is protecting and helping you right now.

Monkey SignBuddha WeeklyThere are five monkey signs: fire, water, metal, wood and earth. Monkeys tend to be creative, inventive and playful.

Example of Fire Monkey

There are too many variables to list them all, although it’s fairly straight forward to look them up below. We’ll give an example of someone born in the year of the Fire Monkey in lunar astrology. This person would have this trinity of Enlightened Buddhas: Vairochana, Shakyamuni and Hayagriva.

The fire monkey’s Life Patron Buddha, the Buddha most guiding your life path is Vairochana Buddha. The fire monkey’s Mewa Buddha, who is getting you ready for our next life or for enlightenment is Shakyamuni Buddha. The Enlightened Protective Activity Buddha, who is actively helping fire monkeys right now is Hayagriva Buddha, the wrathful form of Amitabha. Buddha Weekly Amitabha Hayagriva forms of compassion BuddhismThe Fire Monkey’s Enlightened Protective Activity Deity is Hayagriva, the wrathful form of Amitabha. Background is Hayagriva, foreground is Amitabha.

Revered Enlightened Deities

Buddhist birth astrology aligns individuals to Enlightened cosmic forces through revered enlightened deities rather than worldly gods. These Enlightened qualities help us focus on our problems and obstacles in a constructive, positive way. The Protector Enlightened Deities in Buddhism are all about activity — yet at the same time they are Fully Enlightened Refuge Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

It’s nice to have a helping hand — or several helping hands. Just as we’re born into families and societies, in Buddhist tradition we’re also born into spiritual families. We all had countless mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters in previous lives. We likewise have a family of Bodhisattvas ready to help us.

Associated with each animal sign and their elements, a certain number of “hardships” are expected. Especially in the MEWA system, hardships are actually listed numerically. By being proactive, and practicing in your lifetime your helping Enlightened Deity, you can more easily overcome these obstacles, or even totally eliminate them.

Vajrasettva AI 7 newBuddha Weekly 1Vajrasattva Buddha is the Enlightened Protector of the Rooster year people.

As we go through another year, starting with each Lunar New Year, it can be fun and constructive to remember we have the invisible protector who travels with us — traditionally, in our heart. The more conscious we are of their attentive protection, the more we’ll self   tune into their considerable power to help us.

Especially, it’s helpful to pay attention to the 12 Protectors — the Enlightened Activity Buddhas. They are often the same protectors we currently have in our practice of life, since we tend to be drawn to them, whether we knew they were our protectors or not.

Dog SignBuddha WeeklyDog people are loyal and brave.

More Examples

For example, if you were born in the year of the Earth Dog, your powerful Enlightened Activity Protector is Palden Lhamo, the most wrathful of all Protectors, and an emanation of Tara. With her protection, you have nothing to fear.

Buddha Weekly Palden Lhamo queen of the end of war by Jampay Dorje Ben Christian BuddhismStunning image of Palden Lhamo, the Queen of the End of War by Jampay Dorje (Ben Christian). She is flanked by blue Makaravaka on the left; and red Simhavakra on the right. She is the protector of Earth Dogs.

For Monkey year people, the protector would be Hayagriva, the mighty and wrathful emanation of Amitabha. We’ll go through all of the protectors for each of the birth years, but first, it can be helpful to explain how you can reinforce your bond and devotion to your Enlightened Protector.

Practicing Personal Protectors

The best time to focus practicing your personal Protector is on the 29th Day of the Lunar month each month (Information here>>), usually with tea offerings and mantras. Hot tea is associated with Enlightened Protectors since hot signifies energy and power. The stronger the tea, the better. Often you would chant mantras or praises as you pour your tea. Often we add grains to the tea cup before pouring to signify abundance. And, as always, you first take Refuge in the Three Jewels and at the end you dedicate the merit, not only for your benefit, but also for all beings in Samsara.

Buddha Weekly Serkyem full picture BuddhismTea Offering: A large formal tea serkym offering set with grains and black tea offerings. The go-to practice for removing obstacles is the “Serkyem” tea offering to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and the Enlightened Protectors, who are the ferocious manifestations of the Buddhas.

How else, aside from tea offerings, can you reinforce your bond to your powerful personal protector? You can chant the mantras of your special protector when you are feeling threatened, or need to still your mind, or you’re stuck for an answer, or you’re sick and need help. You can practice daily, just because you want to draw closer to your Buddhas and your Enlightened protector. You can make daily or regular tea offerings, or offerings of fruit, incense, and the seven sensory objects. If you do not have empowerment, always only visualize your deities in front of you, and do the merit practices, such as offerings and mantras.

Most important, end with the Bodhichitta dedication, along the lines of “I dedicate the merit of this practice to the cause for Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.”

Mewa 1921 to 1940Years 1921 to 1940 Animal Signs and Mewa Numbers.  THE MEWA NUMBER IS THE LAST COLUMN ON THE RIGHT. To see what the Mewa number indicates see the information below. For 1940 and on, scroll down. Note: LUNAR years do not start at Janufary 1, so the year of Metal Dragon, for example, begins February 8, 1940 and ends January 26, 1941 (columns 3 and 4)

Start with your Birth Year

To determine your three Enlightened Life Deities visit the mentioned link, or otherwise look up your lunar animal sign, and your Mewa number based on your lunar birth year including element. In the example we gave earlier, the fire monkey, your Mewa number is 8.

For Mewa Birth number, you need to know which element of the sign you are, for example, Fire, wood or water monkey.

Mewa 1941 1960Animal signs for 1941 to 1960 with Mewa Numbers (last column).

For both the Life Patron Buddha and the Enlightened Protectors, you only need the animal sign. Simply Monkey or dragon or horse, and so on. We’ve linked resources to look up these years if you’re unfamiliar with lunar animal signs.

If you were born in the year of the rat, for example, your Life Patron Buddha, is Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. Manjushri complimenting the rat personality’s resourcefulness.

Mewa 1961 1980Birth sign by year 1961-1980.

You Mewa Number is either 1, 4 , 5, 7, depending on your element and year, so your Karma Buddha, is either Manjushri, Vajrapani, Shakyamuni, or Tara respectively. So for Mewa Karma Buddhas, please refer to the linked resources, find your Mewa and come back for more information.

Your Enlightened Protective Activity Buddha is Avalokiteshvara. in this scenario.

Mewa 1981 2000Birth sign by year 1981-2000.

Zodiac Bodhisattva Protectors

Year                          Zodiac Protector

Rat                                Avalokiteshvara

Ox and Tiger               Akshagarbha

Rabbit                           Manjushri

Dragon and Snake     Samantabhadra Bodhisattva

Horse                            Maha-Sthama-Prapta Bodhisattva

Goat and Monkey      Vairocana Buddha

Rooster                        Acala Bodhisattva

Dog, Pig                      Amitabha Buddha

Mewa 2001 2020Birth sign by year 2000 – 2020.

Enlightened Deity (Kalachakra Astrology)

Year           Protector

Rat               Manjushri

Ox                Vajrapani

Tiger           Black Mahakala

Rabbit        Avalokiteshvara

Dragon     Vairochana

Snake        Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava

Horse        Green Tara

Goat          White Tara

Monkey    Hayagriva

Rooster    Vajrasattva

Dog          Palden Lhamo

Pig            Amitabha

Mewa 2021 to 20302021 to 2030.

Mewa 1 (White)

Deity: Chenrezig (སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས།) or Avalokiteshvara

Chenrezig is the Buddha of Compassion. Chenrezig manifested in various forms to benefit sentient beings.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 4

Benefits of this practice

• Calms the mind

• Relieves anxiety

• Cultivates compassion, wisdom and confidence

• Prevents one from entering the lower realms

• Fulfills one’s wish for happiness

• Bestows celestial protection

• Any sentient being that comes into close contact will be blessed

Mantra of Chenrezig



Birth year: 1918   1927   1936   1945   1954   1963   1972   1981   1990   1999   2008   2017   2026   2035

Mantra for Mewa 1 people:

Mewa 2 (Black)

Deity: Vajrapani (ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ།)

He is the physical representation of the power of all the Buddhas. He represents the energy of the enlightened mind, which is the energy to break through the deluded mind, and his mantra is the essence of this quality.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 3

Benefits of this practice

• Gives protection

• Clears inner and outer obstacles

Mantra of Vajrapani



Birth year: 1917   1926   1935   1944   1953   1962   1971   1980   1989   1998   2007   2016   2025   2034

Mantra for Mewa 2 People:

Mewa 3 (Blue)

Deity: Vajrasattva (རྡོ་རྗེ་སེམས་དཔའ)

He is a male meditational deity within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition who symbolizes the inherent purity of all the Buddhas.Vajrasattva is widely practiced to purify one’s negative actions. Combined with application of the Four Opponent Powers, his practice is incredibly effective to purify even the heaviest karmas.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 4

Benefits of this practice

• Purifies even the heaviest negative karmas

• Shortens the duration of our current difficulties

• Achieves a better rebirth

Mantra Vajrasattva


OM VAJRASATTVA AH  (or the 100-syllable mantra below)

Birth year: 1916   1925   1934   1943   1952   1961   1970   1979   1988   1997   2006   2015   2024   2033

Mewa 4 (Green)

Deity: Vajrapani (ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ།)

He is the physical representation of the power of all the Buddhas. He represents the energy of the enlightened mind, which is the energy to break through the deluded mind, and his mantra is the essence of this quality.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 4

Benefits of this practice

• Gives protection

• Clears inner and outer obstacles

Mantra of Vajrapani



Birth year:1915   1924   1933   1942   1951   1960   1969   1978   1987   1996   2005   2014  2023  2032

For Mantra Video, see above.

Mewa 5. (Yellow)

Deity: Shakyamuni (རྒྱལ་བ་ཤཱཀྱ་ཐུབ་པ།)

He is the founder of Buddhism, is popularly known as the historical Buddha of this aeon and the compassionate one who turned the Wheel of Dharma in this fortunate time.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 2

Benefits of his practice

• Removes obstacles and hindrances

• Purifies negative karma

• Accumulates vast amounts of merit

Mantra Shakyamuni

ཏདྱ་ཐཱ། ཨོཾ་མུ་ནེ་མུ་ནེ་མ་ཧཱ་མུ་ན་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ།


Birth year:1914   1923   1932   1941   1950   1959   1968   1977   1986   1995   2004   2013   2022   2031

Shakyamuni Mantra for Mewa 5 people:

Mewa 6 (White)

Deity: Namgyalma (རྣམ་རྒྱལ་མ།)

It is also known as ‘Ushnisha Vijaya in Sanskrit, is one of the three Long Life deities. She is a special emanation of the Supreme Healer Vairocana. Engaging in Namgyalma’s practice or reciting her mantra can bestow the practitioner with infinite benefits.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 3

Benefits of this practice

• Purifies karmic obstructions

• Reverts fixed karma

• Increases one’s lifespan

• Eliminates various illnesses

• Promotes harmony between husband and wife

• Provides safety from physical harm

• Pacifies calamities

• Increases wisdom

• Blesses beings in the three lower realms

• Attainment of complete Enlightenment

Mantra of deity Ushnisha Vijaya



OR, the longer Dharani.

Birth year: 1913   1922   1931   1940   1949   1958   1967   1976   1985   1994   2003   2012   2021  2030

Namgyelma Ushnisha Vijaya Mantra video for Mewa 6 people:

Mewa 7 (Red)

Deity: Tara (རྗེ་བཙུན་སྒྲོལ་མ།)

She is known by many names, amongst them the “Savioress” and the “Mother of Liberation”.

She is a universal mother who nurtures and protects all sentient beings, making her the most beloved and popular goddess within Tibetan Buddhism.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 3


• Increases life energy and good health

• Increases one’s creativity

• Swift assistance

• Recovery from diseases

• Success in career and business

• Improves finances

• Helps childless couples to conceive

• Protection from dangerous situations

• Quick path to developing wisdom and compassion

Tara mantra



Birth year: 1912   1921   1930   1939   1948   1957   1966   1975   1984   1993   2002   2011   2020   2029

Tara’s Mantra  for Mewa 7 people:

Mewa 8 (White)

Deity: Shakyamuni (རྒྱལ་བ་ཤཱཀྱ་ཐུབ་པ།)

He is the founder of Buddhism, is popularly known as the historical Buddha of this aeon and the compassionate one who turned the Wheel of Dharma in this fortunate time.

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 3


• Removes obstacles and hindrances

• Purifies negative karma

• Accumulates vast amounts of merit

Mantra Shakyamuni

ཏདྱ་ཐཱ། ཨོཾ་མུ་ནེ་མུ་ནེ་མ་ཧཱ་མུ་ན་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ།


Birth year: 1911   1920   1929   1938   1947   1956   1965   1974   1983   1992   2001   2010   2019   2028

Video of mantra is above.

Mewa 9 (Red)

Deity: Manjushri (འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས།)

He is the Buddha of Wisdom and revered as the patron of the sciences and arts

Expected Average Hardships in Life: 5


• Increases intelligence and memory

• Gains insight, intuition and wisdom

• Improves debate and communication skills

• Achieves perfect Enlightenment

Mantra Manjusri



Birth year: 1910   1919   1928   1937   1946   1955   1964   1973   1982   1991   2000   2009   2018   2027

Mantra of Manjushri for Mewa 9 People:


Mahayana Protectors>>

BIRTH MEWA: Feng Shui point of view: https://www.hannilim.com/general/my-astrological-sign/




Vajrayana Protectors


You Animal Year Lunar Zodiac:
