You’ll Love How Simple Yet Soulful This 7-Day Self-Care Challenge Is

Self-care is a must not maybe, but it may feel like a maybe, due to time restrictions or a full to-do list. A daily self-care routine is vital to our physical and mental well-being. Having an accountability partner is...

You’ll Love How Simple Yet Soulful This 7-Day Self-Care Challenge Is

Self-care is a must not maybe, but it may feel like a maybe, due to time restrictions or a full to-do list. A daily self-care routine is vital to our physical and mental well-being.

Having an accountability partner is always nice to help you stay on track. So, we are here to help you by creating a 7-day Self-Care Challenge that includes easy and accessible ways to schedule daily self-care.

Here’s Your 7-Day Self-Care Challenge:

We think you’ll love just how simple yet soulful each of these daily self-care practices are.

Day 1: Sit In the Sunniest Room of Your House

The sun is a natural energizer. It provides positive warmth and light that allows flowers to bloom in vibrant colors and trees to stand strong and tall. You too are a beautiful flower in bloom.

Walk around your house during the daytime and notice which rooms receive the most sunlight. This may change with the seasons so continue to gauge it throughout the year.

Once you notice areas that receive the most light, ask yourself where you want to be in this space. Near the window, directly in the path of the sun? Standing or sitting across from the window? Is there a cozy couch or chair you can sit on, and if not would you like to make a cozy space of blankets and pillows?

Do what feels good, and will allow you to relax and recharge in the sun. Try this for at least thirty minutes and remember to wear your sunscreen.

If you feel inclined, you can also do this outside and experience the direct sunlight. Sitting in the backyard, a porch or patio is also a beautiful option. So is going for a walk!

Day 2: Create a Meal From Scratch Using Whatever You Have Available

You don’t need to be told eating is necessary for your health, but you may need to be told that eating is a part of your self-care. Food is fuel and when we get overwhelmed or busy it can become an afterthought. What if you could make it fun?

Here’s a challenge for day 2! Go into your kitchen and pull out a few things from your fridge or pantry. Get creative and determine how you can create a meal using all the different items you pulled. Have fun with it, take a photo and tag us so we can see what you create!

Day 3: Turn a Piece of Old Clothing Into Something New

How often do you go through your closet and purge things you no longer wear. Marie Kondo says we should touch our clothes and see if they still have energy in them. If they don’t, then simply release them.

Pull a Marie Kondo and Declutter Your Self-Care Routine (Here’s How)

And even that is easier said than done . . .

So what if instead of releasing old items, you re-purposed them and turned something old into something new?

As children we fantasized about creating our own wardrobe. Now we actually have the power to do it! You can do whatever you want…grab a patch, glitter or scissors. No matter how it turns out, your soul will thank you for this self-care challenge activity.

How to Practice Soul Care – The New Self-Care Practice You Need to Try

Day 4: Change / Clean Your Bed Linens

make your bed
Have you ever washed and dried your bed lines and then melted into the bed at night? Such a beautiful feeling.

The Sleep Foundation says we should wash our bed linens at least once a week if not more to keep them fresh. Overnight we shed skin cells, sweat and oils. All this gets trapped in our sheets. And let’s be real . . . if all that is getting trapped in your sheets, what about your energy?

Have you ever cleaned your home and felt the energy shift? Cleaning your bed linens will have the same effect.

You can even go a step further in our 7-day self-care challenge by flipping the mattress, shaking out the pillows and clearing energy with sage or other accessible energy clearing tools like palo santo, juniper or lavender.

Day 5: Listen to or Watch a Podcast

Nowadays you can find a podcast for almost anything! What interests you? What topics do you wish to learn more on?

Head over to Spotify, Apple, Anchor or your favorite podcast hubs and save a few podcasts that pique your interest. Podcasts are great because you can listen to them while doing your everyday tasks, including the other parts of this 7 day challenge!

You can even make it a group experience for you and your circle of close friends. Remember what we said about accountability? Invite your friends to participate in our 7 day self-care challenge too. Listen together and share your thoughts after. Journaling and reflecting after privately is also another way to honor your self-care.

You may even feel inspired to create a podcast of your own!

Day 6: Set Positive Intentions Into Your Water

drink water
Yoga teachers often set intentions for the group practice to align the flow to a goal or a state of being.

This practice is super powerful in manifesting and creating your own reality. You get to decide how your day goes. Setting intentions are similar to speaking affirmations. You can say it, write it, practice believing it and also infuse it into your water.

Pour yourself a cup of water. Wrap both palms around the cup and hold it to your heart. Then speak, think and believe the intentions you are setting and infusing into the water. As you drink or sip the water, you are actively receiving and breathing in your intention or manifestation.

What are the intentions you can set?

I am love All that I desire I already have Money flows to me easily and effortlessly I am of sound mind, body and soul My body supports me and loves me in all that I do

These are just suggestions. Go with what feels right to you and even allow yourself a moment of silence or meditation to find the words best for you.

Day 7: Wake Up and Before You Do Anything, Hear the Silence

How quick are you to check your phone when you wake up in the morning? Have you ever evaluated how what you see on your phone first thing in the mornings affects your mood levels and shapes your day?

Because in all honesty, some of the stuff that comes across our phones is incredibly triggering. Especially right after a slumber and during that super precious time you have to be with only yourself in the morning.

Self-care is about honoring yourself by filling up your own cup first and allowing it to overflow before you share any of you with another. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

That sweet moment you experience when you first wake up is a beautiful time to practice mindfulness by observing how you feel, stating what you are grateful for, and setting intentions for your day. You can create time for this by avoiding grabbing your phone for the first fifteen to thirty minutes you’re awake. Start small and intentionally increase.

7-Day Self-Care Challenge – You Need This!

You deserve self-care. It is not something you can easily give away, have someone else do or make a priority on your behalf. You are the perfect person for you!

Now you have this seven day self-care challenge to support you and be your guide. Set a date for when to start and enjoy your journey. You may even find new tasks to incorporate along the way.

You Deserve a 7-Day Mental Health Break (Follow This Wellness Guide)

Did any of these self-care ideas resonate with you? Are you ready to try out the self-care challenge? Please tell us how it goes in the comments below – we love hearing from you!