15 No-nos To Put On Your Pizzas Next Time You Are Making One

Do you want to spice up your pizza game and impress your friends and family? We have compiled a list of 15 no-nos to put on your pizzas next time you are making one. From fruit to weird sauces,...

15 No-nos To Put On Your Pizzas Next Time You Are Making One

Do you want to spice up your pizza game and impress your friends and family? We have compiled a list of 15 no-nos to put on your pizzas next time you are making one. From fruit to weird sauces, we have got you covered. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure and discover new flavors that will satisify your cravings and blow your mind. So, grab your apron and let’s dive into the world of unconventional pizza toppings.

Raw Red Onions

Image credit: Canva Pro.

Raw red onions can overpower the subtle flavors of cheese and sauce with their sharp, pungent taste. When added in large quantities, they can remain crunchy and overwhelming, disrupting the harmonious blend of pizza toppings.


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While capers can add a briny depth to some dishes, their saltiness can be too intense on a pizza, overpowering other ingredients. They also have a tendency to become overly dry or burnt in the high heat of a pizza oven.

Anchovies (In Excess)

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Anchovies are a traditional topping, but when used excessively, their strong fishy flavor can dominate the pizza, making it overly salty and unbalanced. Moderation is key to ensuring their umami enhances rather than overwhelms.

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Overly Processed Deli Meats

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Processed deli meats like bologna or pre-packaged ham can contribute an artificial taste and a texture that doesn’t mesh well with the artisanal qualities of good pizza. They can also make the pizza greasy and heavy.

Large Chunks of Garlic

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While garlic can enhance a pizza’s flavor, large, raw chunks can be too harsh and overpowering. It’s better to use garlic sparingly or ensure it’s thinly sliced or pre-roasted to mellow its bite.

Jarred Jalapeños

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Jarred jalapeños often come with a vinegary brine that can clash with the pizza’s flavors. Their acidity and artificial preservative taste can detract from the freshness of other ingredients.

Sun-dried Tomatoes (In Oil)

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Sun-dried tomatoes in oil can be too intense and chewy, with their concentrated, tangy flavor overwhelming the more delicate balance of cheeses and sauces. They also add excess oil, making the pizza greasy.

Artichoke Hearts (Canned)

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Canned artichoke hearts can be too briny and their texture too mushy, which doesn’t complement the pizza’s crust and can overpower the taste of other toppings.

Raw Bell Peppers

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Raw bell peppers can remain too crunchy and their flavor too dominant when not pre-cooked, especially on pizzas cooked quickly at high temperatures. Their moisture content can also affect the pizza’s texture.

Thick Slices of Meat

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Thick slices of meats like steak or chicken can be tough and chewy, making the pizza difficult to eat. They can also remain undercooked in the quick, high-heat pizza cooking process.

Whole Olives

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Whole olives can be too large and overpowering as a pizza topping, making each bite inconsistent. Their strong flavor can overshadow the subtleties of the cheese and sauce.

Cubed Cheese

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Cubed cheese doesn’t melt as uniformly as shredded cheese, leading to pockets of intense cheese flavor and areas with none at all. This inconsistency can detract from the overall experience.

Uncooked Spinach

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Uncooked spinach can wilt and release water onto the pizza, making the crust soggy. It can also clump together, creating uneven bites.

Broccoli (Not Pre-cooked)

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Raw broccoli can be too hard and its flavor too strong, which doesn’t blend well with other pizza toppings. It also doesn’t cook evenly in the time it takes for the pizza to bake.


Image credit: Canva Pro.

Carrots, due to their hardness and sweetish flavor, do not complement traditional pizza toppings. Even when thinly sliced, they can remain too crunchy and disrupt the textural harmony of the dish.

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