4 Things That Make ADHD Symptoms Worse (Plus, 5 That Can Help)
Discover science-backed tools for ADHD management.
Image by Ivan Gener / Stocksy April 29, 2023 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects millions of people worldwide—including me. While traditional treatments like medication and behavioral therapy are often used to manage symptoms, there are also lifestyle habits that can support healthy brain function and improve ADHD symptoms (and, habits that can make symptoms worse).
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Things that can help ADHD symptoms
Things that can make ADHD symptoms worse
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The takeaway
Some lifestyle habits—like increasing your omega-3 intake, optimizing your neurotransmitter levels with natural light and cold showers, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in physical activity—can help reduce ADHD symptoms, such focus, attention, and executive function difficulties. Conversely, too much screen time, failing to get enough sleep, consuming food dyes, and living in clutter can make them worse.
The key is making small, consistent changes to daily habits. With the right tools and routines, individuals with ADHD can support healthy brain function and improve their overall well-being.