A weekend with Gen Ananda in Vienna

Last weekend people from Vienna and all over Austria gathered at the Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria to receive teachings on the practice of the Heart Jewel from Gen Ananda.

A weekend with Gen Ananda in Vienna

"During the introductory talk on Friday, entitled The Buddhist Way of Inner Change, Gen Ananda explained how, through the practice of Dharma, we can make ourselves and others truly happy and give deep meaning to our lives.

"With this understanding and determination in mind, the following weekend course on the practice of Heart Jewel taught us how to successfully practise Buddha's teachings of Sutra and Tantra through this particular practice.

On Saturday we developed the three types of faith in Je Tsongkhapa and his instructions of Kadam Dharma. On Sunday, we had the great fortune to learn and deepen our meditation and recitation on the Migtsema prayer.

Gen Ananda explained in particular how, as a Bodhisattva community, by relying on Wisdom Buddha and Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, we will increase our wisdom and thus solve all our problems.

"A magical weekend full of joy, inspiration and deep insights.

"Many thanks to Gen Ananda for his visit, and sincere thanks to Venerable Geshe-la.

"May everything be auspicious for the development of Kadam Dharma in Austria and beyond."

For more information visit www.buddha.at