Agent Diary: When it’s easy to share marketing materials, we’re more likely to sell your product
We love visits from suppliers to get up to speed on the latest news – and it is mutually beneficial, says Ponders Travel’s Clare Dudley

We love visits from suppliers to get up to speed on the latest news – and it is mutually beneficial, says Ponders Travel’s Clare Dudley
Operators really do help us far more than we imagine, as I’ve been reminded recently.
You may recall some months back I mentioned we would love to see more reps visit our store. I’m pleased to say that many kindly took note of this and have since popped in to say hello. It has been lovely seeing so many suppliers and being reminded of your product offering.
We love the window card offers that are ready to print; we love how you can provide the wording, pictures and videos to support an offer
We learn so much from you when you call in to see us and are always blown away by all the sales tools you provide, which help make us look more professional and more efficient with the time we have.
We love the window card offers that are ready to print; we love how you can provide the wording, pictures and videos to support an offer that can be shared on social media; we love the window material you give us (particular shout out to Ponant, whose poster has been sitting in our window for many months).
Making life easier
We love a ship model, too. Thank you to the operators who have trusted us with your stunning models, which we have proudly displayed in our windows; we also love the new WhatsApp groups being set up, such as the one created by ITC, which means quality pictures and the latest offer details are in one easy place for us to access and use.
Perfectly printed brochures help small businesses like us look more slick and give us a more luxury feel, while beautifully branded postcards and mailings that are ready to send make life so much easier.
Because we are all so busy it can be hard to find time to put offers together with supporting sales images, videos and wording
We also welcome any chance to get involved in staff training, as well as ship visits, and of course, we are so grateful for any fam trip opportunities that come our way. Seeing is believing, after all!
Because we are all so busy it can be hard to find time to put offers together with supporting sales images, videos and wording. We really do love having things sent to us that are ready to use. The easier it is for us, the more likely we are to use your tools and sell your product.
Many small businesses like ours do not have a marketing team, so we need all the help we can get.
In-person meetings
A good example of the benefits of rep visits happened recently when Moira from Azamara came to see us. I have known Moira for many years and was so pleased to see her, but I felt embarrassed that I was not “in tune” with all that Azamara had to offer.
We chatted for half an hour and came up with some great marketing plans. Moira showed me where to find the latest sales tools, meaning we now have an action plan to increase sales on what should be a perfect fit for our company. I now feel more up to speed on all things Azamara. Nothing beats face-to-face conversations.
I have known Moira for many years and was so pleased to see her, but I felt embarrassed that I was not “in tune” with all that Azamara had to offer
After my initial embarrassment, I reminded myself that we can’t know it all, but the more we see and hear from our trusted suppliers, the more we know and remember.
So, do you have anything out there you want us to use? Let us know – we always love to hear from you and be reminded of what you have to offer!
Taking care of clients’ needs
The most rewarding aspect of this job is helping clients create special memories, especially those who deserve them most. A couple came in recently to book a holiday as a pick-me-up after one of them had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. They wanted to go on a trip that was easy for them; somewhere they would feel safe. For me it was easy knowing what to promote and sell, but what was most important was reassuring this couple that we would be there to help them every step of the way to ensure they had all they needed for this special trip. Offering this level of support and care is as important as the holiday itself.