An acupuncturist and pain expert shares the 2 pressure points she uses to 'quickly relieve headaches'
Acupuncturist, herbal medicine doctor and pain expert Dr. Eileen Li shares two simple acupressure moves that anyone can do at home to relieve tension headaches and migraines — without the needles.

Tension headaches are no joke. They typically feel like a tight band around the head, and can stem from muscle contractions in the head and neck, stress or even poor posture.
Many people take pain medications like acetaminophen and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to relieve symptoms. But overusing them without medical guidance can lead to harmful side effects.
As an acupuncturist with 10 years of clinical experience, I've had thousands of patients come to me for help with tension headaches.
In acupuncture treatment, pressure is placed on certain points of the body to relax muscles and improve blood flow. Here are some methods I use to quickly relieve headaches — without the needles!
1. Pressing at the base of your skull and neck
These acupuncture points are on the bony base of the skull, on the left and right sides. Placing pressure on them is not just helpful for relieving headaches, but also for neck pain and sinus congestion.
The two points are on the bony base of the skull. Each point is about one finger-width from the midline of the head, on the left and right sides.
Photo: Eileen Li
Clasp your hands together behind your head, with your thumbs facing down.Position your hands so that each thumb presses into the ditch at the base of the skill (one on the left, one on the right).Apply light-to-moderate pressure and rub in small circles. You may feel some tenderness or tension in this spot, which is normal. Do this until you start to feel some relief.Position your hands so that your thumbs press into the ditch at the base of the skull (one thumb on the left side, and the other on the right).
Photo: Eileen Li
2. Pressing the space between your thumb and index finger
I call this the "painkiller button" because it relieves headaches while also delivering an "it hurts so good" feeling. (If you are pregnant, I recommend avoiding this method because it can be overstimulating.)
This pressure point can help relieve general body aches, headaches, facial pain, neck pain, and abdominal pain.
Photo: Eileen Li
Turn your palm to face down and find the fleshy web space between the thumb and index finger.Press down on this point with the thumb of your opposite hand.As you press, gently push towards the bone of the index finger, or pinch it down like you're grabbing a card from a slot.Hold with mild to moderate pressure for 60 seconds and adjust the pressure intensity as needed.Repeat two or three times on each hand.Press into the space between your thumb and index finger.
Photo: Eileen Li