Apex Travel to host fundraising music festival

Event will also mark sector’s bounce-back

Apex Travel to host fundraising music festival

A travel agency is organising a fundraising music festival for up to 500 guests to mark the current owner’s 40 years at the helm.

Apex Travel in north Wales is to host The ‘A’pex Fest for clients, the trade, family and friends.

The festival will take place from 4pm on June 18 at Bar 236 in Prestatyn and include five live bands on the hour every hour for eight hours.

Owner Tim Brooks-Parry, who took over the agency in 1982, said the event would also raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support after his wife Christy, who has worked at Apex Travel for 25 years, was diagnosed with skin cancer.

She has now been given the ‘all clear’ and so far more than £5,000 has been raised, through a mixture of Just Giving and private and corporate donations, for the cancer charity. More is expected to be raised on the night.

The event also aims to celebrate the return of travel post-Covid.

Brooks-Parry said: “When I took over in 1982, the Falklands War was in full flow and Freddie Laker had just gone bust.

“Other events such as wars, terrorism, cyclical recessions, natural disasters such as the tsunami and the ash cloud, and the initial threat of the internet have all been successfully navigated.

“Hopefully now the dreaded Covid pandemic is behind us, we can continue to go from strength to strength.”

He added that the pandemic had been “ruthless” for everyone personally and professionally, causing “untold grief to all” for more than two years.

“We have all made sacrifices and suffered at the hands of this virus and I firmly believe we should all celebrate and congratulate ourselves on getting through these tough times,” he said.

Donations can be made the event’s Just Giving page here

Pictured: Owner Tim Brooks-Parry, back right, at the staff Christmas party in 2021 with left to right, senior travel consultant Louise Brooks, wife and business development manager Christy, and senior manager Matt Gibson
