'Big Brother's Ameerah Reacts to Her Eviction, Addresses Taylor Hale Bullying Scandal (Exclusive)
'I would do it all over again,' she said of 'Big Brother.'

Ameerah Jones is opening up about her Big Brother experience. ET's Denny Directo spoke to Ameerah the day after her eviction from the house, and she admitted was was "shocked" to be put on the block.
"Once I was put on the block, I assumed that I was a backdoor," she told ET. "I was so confused as to who was working with Turner... There [were] definitely some weird conversations happening in the house. I just saw people around me that don't usually speak to each other, talking and whispering. I was like, 'Whoa, why are they talking? I haven't seen them talking any of these weeks, so why are they all of a sudden talking? Why are they whispering the day that I'm supposed to be getting saved?' Everyone was promising me, and so I knew that was weird."
What Ameerah didn't know then was that a new alliance had formed between Turner, Kyle, Joseph, Monte, Brittany, Michael and Taylor, who began calling themselves The Leftovers.
"I feel most betrayed by Monte, Kyle, and Michael, because they were the members of the Po's Pact, and the Po's Pact was the alliance that we were supposed to go to the end with," Ameerah explained. "They were consistently telling me we were good to go, we're going to the end, we're great. We were always sharing information with each other. I was looking at them like they were gonna be the final six with me."
She was not, however, surprised by Turner's part in her eviction.
"I think that he saw me as being responsible for Pooch's eviction," Ameerah said. "Blaming it on the girls, I think he probably saw me as the strongest girl in the house. He told me that he was not going to talk bad about me to other people, he wasn't going to campaign against me, but he did 'cause people were still telling me things that he said."
Despite Turner's role in everything, Ameerah said she did "agree with his speech" in which he spoke out against how Taylor had continued to be bullied.
"I had been hearing a lot about Taylor as well and I also contributed to it, especially in the beginning. As the time went on I started realizing how wrong it was, but in the beginning I was definitely playing this game, and I was like, 'All right, she's my target. Let's get her out of here by any means possible,'" she said. "But I agree with him."
Things got worse for Taylor this week when Daniel and Nicole brought her to tears over a miscommunication, which left Ameerah "mind blown."
"I was actually there for this and I did not think that Taylor was wrong. I did not think what she said was wrong. I didn't think she meant it in a bad way. I think, at that moment, Nicole was going through a lot and her feelings were on high alert, and so that's why she took it wrong," she said. "I did not like the fact that they were attacking her in public instead of talking in private. The emotions were just really high that day."
Afterward, Ameerah said, "I did talk to Nicole, I did talk to Daniel about that, and told them it was wrong. I also went to Taylor, talked to her, told her it was wrong, that I'm on her side, and that I will be defending her to other people on this."
Despite being on Taylor's side in that particular fight, and agreeing with Turner's anti-bullying stance, Ameerah was left confused over how she wound up on the block at all.
"In my mind, I was like, 'OK, well, why didn't you put the bullies on the block? Why aren't we having a house meeting to discuss with everyone what's going on?'" she questioned. "It kind of felt like even though he was calling out bullying, it was still being covered because he refused to say what he heard, who it was by, what was happening, and then he put me and Terrance on the block. It just didn't add up to me."
Now that she's out of the house, Ameerah has some thoughts on what's to come for The Leftovers.
"I think that there's gonna be some trust issues with Brittany," she predicted. "I know that Monte is scared of Taylor, and I don't think that's gonna be mended. I also think that Taylor still has it out for Monte, no matter what, as she should."
As for who she's rooting for, Ameerah said, "I am still rooting for my original Po's Pact. I am a ride or die. I am rooting for Monte and I am rooting for Kyle, even though they did me wrong, they are some strong players and I am excited to see what they do."
When she looks back on her Big Brother experience, Ameerah said she had "the time of my life."
"It was so fun. I would do it all over again. I like to take out of it the experience of meeting so many different kinds of people from different walks of life and different ages, and having us all live in this house and how we were able to cooperate," she said. "I learned how to be vulnerable. I am not a vulnerable person, so it was cool to learn from these people about how to be vulnerable, how to be emotional. I will definitely be taking that to my home life."
Big Brother airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on CBS.
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