Born In March? Here's The Backstory On Your Birthstone
March babies, here's what to know about Aquamarine.

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March 10, 2022 — 11:33 AM
Just as every month has a designated "birth month flower," it also has an associated birthstone. In the case of March, we're looking at Aquamarine. March babies, here's everything to know about your stone, from its properties to its benefits, from crystal experts.
The meaning behind birthstones.
Birthstones are a great gift option when someone's birthday rolls around, but beyond that, they have a long history going back to biblical times. In the book of Exodus (28:17-20), it's written that 12 gemstones were placed on the breastplate of the prophet Aaron. "There were 12 stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each engraved like a seal with the name of one of the twelve tribes," it reads.
Those stones eventually became associated with the 12 different zodiac signs, and then, the 12 months of the year. Finally, in the early 1900s, the National Association of Jewelers made the 12 birthstones official. Today, they're often gifted on birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and more.
March birthstone: Aquamarine

The birthstone for March is the beautiful blue aquamarine. As Yulia Van Doren, author of Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing and founder of Goldirocks, previously explained to mbg, this stone is characterized by its light blue color, and was named after the Latin term for seawater, aqua marina.
"Aquamarine is the blue variety of the mineral beryl," she says, adding, "It encourages you to follow your curiosity and can help you break out of mindless routines, stale habits, and fear-based thinking.
And according to Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy, aquamarine can be found everywhere from South America, to India, to Africa, with slight changes in color and quality depending on where it's from. "The best Aquamarine is going to be that brilliant sea-blue, that often gets its color from being heated," she explains, noting that it can have greenish hues sometimes, as well, or even be more transparent.
Meanings & symbolism of aquamarine.
Given the name, it likely comes as no surprise that this gem has long been associated with the sea. According to crystal expert Heather Askinosie, rumor has it that aquamarine is considered the treasure of mermaids and linked with the calming, soothing energy of the ocean. "Aquamarine has a special connection with water, vibrating with the energy of fluidity," she previously wrote for mbg.
Thanks to that connection with water and the sea, Leavy explains that this stone is also related to emotions and intuition, helping to keep both calm and clear. This effect can also make it a great stone for communication and creativity.
She notes that in ancient times, sailors and warriors would wear it for protection, too. Ancient Romans also saw it as a token of friendship, especially when carved into the shape of a frog. "It was even thought that you could give an aquamarine frog to an enemy, and it would turn that person into a friend," she adds.
Lastly, aquamarine was historically believed to rejuvenate marriage by rekindling love, passion, and desire, according to Leavy.
There are plenty of ways you can incorporate this beautiful and storied stone into your life, whether or not you were born in March. You can, of course, wear it as jewelry, Leavy says, who likes to wear it as a reminder to slow down and take a few deep breaths amid worried thoughts.
"Keeping it close to you during your workday helps to keep your energy body feeling revitalized," Askinosie adds. And as Leavy explains, its calming effect also makes it a great stone to keep on your nightstand to set a soothing sleep environment.
You can also keep it on you for whenever you need clear communication or protection, meditate with it when you want intuitive guidance or clarity, or gift it as a token of friendship.
According to Leavy, any traditional method of cleansing, charging, or activating will work just fine for aquamarine. Because of its association with water, she says, she does like to use water to wash off this stone. However, you can also clear its energy away using sound or the light of the full moon.
Can months have more than one birthstone?
Yes, months can have more than one birthstone, and in the case of March, bloodstone is also on the table (though aquamarine is typically thought of as the "main" March birthstone). Bloodstone is a mineral, also known as aggregate heliotrope, that's typically a dark green color with flecks or blotches of red that, you guessed it, resemble drops of blood.
March was, after all, named after the God of War, so it's fitting that bloodstone (which is known for strength and vitality) became one of the birthstones for this month. It's also believed to help ward off negative energy.
And for what it's worth, given that March includes people born under Pisces season, and Aries season, both of these signs can benefit from aquamarine and/or bloodstone.
Aquamarine is a beautiful gem with plenty of history to it, so whether you or someone you know has a birthday falling in March, or you just simply enjoy crystals, there are plenty of ways to use this birthstone in your daily routine.
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