How Your Life Will Change When You Find Your Self-Worth, From A Medium
Trust is the beginning of everything.

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April 13, 2022 — 11:34 AM
Releasing our ego’s need to make us small and separate shifts our understanding of our role in the divine plan. We learn that Spirit is within us and beyond us all at once. We begin to see that the light is in us and around us. This suggests that we are being supported—and then, as we receive confirmation through signs and messages, we have a direct experience of this support. We begin to trust.
Trust. In so many ways, trust is the beginning of everything. It’s what allows us to manifest. It’s what gets us through the toughest times. It’s an integral part of a joyful life.
Trusting life doesn’t mean clinging to the false belief that everything will go our way.
Instead, we trust the greater way—the highest intention and the highest path. We trust that whether something comes or it doesn’t, it’s ultimately the best result, because our guides are always looking out for what’s in our interest in the long run. We trust that Spirit is seeing beyond the details and working toward the highest good of everyone involved.
At first, we just visit this state of trust, returning to doubt quickly afterward. Over time, we learn to sustain trust for longer periods of time. We start to understand that what comes to us is supposed to come to us and that we’re perfectly entitled to say yes to it. We learn to trust so much in what we’re being shown that it’s preferable to just stay there. We don’t want to go back to the darkness of doubt—we’d rather stay here, in the light.
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This begins to release false ideas of cause and effect, many of which are just misunderstandings of how Spirit works. For instance, when our ego is overly involved in manifestation, it can mislead us, making us believe that we are the cause of our misfortunes.
In some cases, we can even cloak this in spirituality, interpreting a challenge like a medical diagnosis, sudden layoff, or relationship dissolution as a “sign” that we’ve done something wrong. We’ve all seen terrible things happen to lovely people. One of my good friends, who I call Captain Sunshine, is currently healing from cancer. Though she most certainly sees her healing in a greater context, it doesn’t involve self-blame. Her cancer isn’t some sort of punishment or dark manifestation—instead, it’s an opportunity to learn, heal, and love herself, all the while taking comfort in the knowledge that she’s not alone and is worthy of her healing. Notice that this, the most positive interpretation, is also the most helpful.
Living dedicated to the light doesn’t ensure difficult things won’t occur.
Human life comes with all sorts of challenges. Instead, we can trust that everything difficult has the potential to teach us something, if we let it. I have no idea what Captain Sunshine’s lesson is here, but it can’t possibly be self-blame.
It’s important to understand this, because it moves us away from thinking we have to fix what’s out of our hands, instead shifting our goal to learning what we can from what arises. Suddenly, it’s not, What did I do to deserve this difficult thing in my life? but rather, What does this have to teach me? This allows us to respond without putting so much weight on the outcome. It demonstrates the trust we are building.
It also begins to release the habit of giving our power away to others.
Stop over-apologizing and start owning who you are.
This doesn’t mean we should never apologize—sometimes, we mess up, and others deserve our honest acknowledgment of that—but rather that we don’t need to apologize for the same thing over and over, and we certainly don’t need to apologize for who we are. We also stop apologizing for our success.
We learn to separate genuine humility, a divine value, from the search for approval, an ego-based addiction. We turn inward, looking to ourselves and our guides to indicate whether we’re on the right path. When we misstep, we offer a genuine apology and move on, allowing ourselves to be fueled by self-forgiveness instead of waiting for forgiveness to arrive from an external source.
When we really step into a place of power and of seeking less to please others, our relationships can shift somewhat. Some people may not be able to go there with us. If that feels uncomfortable, please know that it’s temporary.
Spirit always follows this up by bringing people of like mind—the type of people who don’t want you to apologize for who you are but who want to celebrate your unique offerings to the world.
Excerpted from the book from Medium Mentor: 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others. Copyright ©2022 by MaryAnn DiMarco. Printed with permission from New World Library.