Catching up
Updates from two Kadampa centers - KMC Austria in Vienna & KMC Mahamudra in South Bay Los Angeles

Updates from two Kadampa centers - KMC Austria in Vienna & KMC Mahamudra in South Bay Los Angeles
Recently, Gen Palden, Resident Teacher of KMC Austria granted a Vajrapani Empowerment at KMC Vienna. Dharma practitioners from Austria and abroad joined this wonderful event in-person and online.
Gen Palden gave an explanation of the practice of Buddha Vajrapani, the Buddha of spiritual power, and the meditations during the retreat were led by Angelika Haselbacher, one of the local teachers at KMC Austria.
Heartfelt thanks to Venerable Geshe-la and all, who made this wonderful event happen! The next highlight at KMC Austria will be the Austrian Dharma Celebration with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang in April again in Vienna.
Recently the students of the Mahamudra KMC in south Los Angeles participated in a silent retreat led by Gen Kelsang Tangpa in the beautiful Joshua Tree desert.
"It was so wonderful being together and receiving profound teachings on Dependent Relationship from Venerable Geshe-la's book The New Heart of Wisdom and contemplating the rose analogy from Joyful Path of Good Fortune.
One single rose arises from its causes,
exists in dependence upon its parts,
and exists as a mere imputation by conceptual thought.
"At the final session during the Migtsema Prayer a beam of light lit up both Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's picture and Buddha Shakyamuni. Thank you Venerable Geshe-la for your inspiring blessings! "