Chakra 101: An Introduction to the 7 Chakras

Lately there’s a lot of buzz about the chakras, chakra healing and chakra balancing. But before we dive into how to balance the chakras, it’s important to know what they are, what they represent, and how they impact our...

Chakra 101: An Introduction to the 7 Chakras

Lately there’s a lot of buzz about the chakras, chakra healing and chakra balancing. But before we dive into how to balance the chakras, it’s important to know what they are, what they represent, and how they impact our minds, bodies and lives. This article covers it all!

To start, it’s important to know that each chakra is represented by a specific color, shape, name and location in the body. There are seven chakras total, each one located at significant locations in the body, and each one representing a piece of our energetic being.

Each chakra is connected to a different aspect of ourselves, and as a result, each one impacts different parts of our wellbeing on a physical, emotional and energetic level. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the chakra system.

Chakra System Introduction and Overview

Think of the chakras as spinning wheels of energy – wheels that spin simultaneously to create a combination of energy and life force.

This energy and life force runs from the root base of the body (the Root Chakra), to the crown of the head (the Crown Chakra), and then beyond.

When the chakras are balanced and spinning effortlessly, life is beautiful. We experience a sense of fullness in all aspects – emotional, mental and physical; mind, body and soul. Our relationships, conversations, actions, goals and interests just flow.

A balanced chakra system can be thought of as refreshing water running down a stream, gently caressing everything it meets, and continuing down its journey with ease, grace and fluidity.

When the chakras are misaligned – one being overactive and another being under-active – life can be challenging. This misalignment might not be apparent on the surface, but delve down a layer or two and you’ll quickly notice where your work lies.

This is where yoga comes into play and why we love the practice so damn much. But unlike our physical yoga postures, the chakra system is unseen and internal.

The seven chakras are part of the subtle body, or the energetic body. It’s the part that we can’t see or touch but can always feel. It’s the part of us that makes the heart beat, the piece of us that feels a gut intuition, and the energy within us that connects, moves, and creates our being.


This topic, the chakras, has an abundance of information and depth to it – a depth that cannot be accomplished here. What can be accomplished here is an overview of each chakra, what they represent, and how they affect the body, mind and soul.

The 7 Chakra System Explained and Explored

Ready to dive into the chakra system and explore each individual chakra, its attributes, associations and more? Keep reading!

1. Muladhara Chakra

The Root or Muladhara Chakra is the first wheel of energy and it begins at the base of the spine.

This chakra is associated with the earth element and is directly linked to the roots we’ve planted – how deep they are, how strong they are, and how supportive they are. The Muladhara Chakra symbolizes root or fundamental issues: shelter, safety, security, water, food and family.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, secure, and safe. Our lives flow gracefully with a calm and steady energy.

When out of alignment, life is tough. We feel insecure, fearful, and our survival mode turns on. This can lead to weight gain, constipation, exhaustion, depression, anxiety and stress.
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Mantra: LAM
Element: Earth
Chakra Mantra: “I am always safe at the center of my being.”

2. Svadhisthana Chakra

The Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is the second wheel of energy and represents our creative and sexual energy within the body.

The Svadhisthana Chakra is associated with the element of water. When water comes to mind, we imagine fluidity, versatility and freedom. The second chakra is just that – it’s our ability to be sexual, creative, emotional and in tune with ourselves and others.

When this chakra is balanced, life is filled with abundance, creativity, movement, procreation, pleasure and fulfilling relationships.

When out of alignment, you can experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, lack of creative energy, chronic low back pain, reproductive issues and other pelvic-lower issues.
Location: Above the pubic bone and below the navel
Color: Orange
Mantra: VAM
Element: Water
Chakra Mantra: “I flow with the rhythms of life.”

3. Manipura Chakra

The Manipura or Navel Chakra is the third wheel of energy and is associated with the element of fire.

This chakra represents our personal power, governs our self-esteem, personal identity, digestion and metabolism.

When this chakra is balanced, you’ll find that self-confidence, a sense of purpose and self-motivation are present in your life. When presented with an issue, you’re able to let it go and not attach to the external circumstances at hand.

When out of alignment, you can experience digestion issues, low self-esteem and have difficulty making decisions.
Location: The navel area, from the solar plexus up to the breastbone
Color: Yellow
Mantra: RAM
Element: Fire
Chakra Mantra: “I stand in my personal power.”

4. Anahata Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the fourth wheel of energy and is the bridge between the three physical chakras and the three spiritual chakras.

By balancing and aligning the first three chakras, the fourth chakra is able to integrate and open. Thus, each wheel must spin simultaneously in order to remain in balance.

The fourth chakra represents everything that involves love, compassion and joy. It’s one of the most beautiful yet emotional chakras for people to tap into.

When this chakra is balanced, love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of others (and yourself) are all present.

When out of alignment, you can experience poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, co-dependence, manipulative behaviors and feelings of unworthiness.
Location: Center of the chest (including the heart, lungs, and entire surrounding area)
Color: Green
Mantra: YUM
Element: Air
Chakra Mantra: “I open my heart to fully living.”

5. Vishuddha Chakra

The Vishuddha or Throat Chakra is the fifth wheel of energy and it’s the first of the three spiritual chakras.

The Throat Chakra is associated with ether, or a space-like quality that symbolizes an open voice from where authenticity and truthfulness can flow.

The fifth chakra represents your ability to speak your truth, express ideas clearly and be in tune with both your inner and outer intentions. Because it’s the first of the spiritual chakras, the lower four chakras must also be in tune.

When this chakra is balanced, you speak, listen and express yourself through a higher form of communication and authenticity.

When out of alignment, you can experience the inability to speak your truth, to ask for what you need, want or desire, and it can result in a sore throat, thyroid problems and neck/shoulder pain.
Location: The throat
Color: Blue
Mantra: HUM
Element: Space
Chakra Mantra: “I follow and speak my truth.”

Use These 7 Mantras to Balance and Heal Your Throat Chakra

6. Ajna Chakra

The Third-Eye Chakra is the sixth wheel of energy and it represents our intuition or sixth sense. Its location in between the eyebrows is integral to our lives and how we perceive the exterior world as well as our own interior dialogue.

When this chakra is balanced, you trust your intuition to face life challenges and decisions, the ego dissolves into the background, and you can begin to uncover what you truly value is in life.

When out of alignment, you can be cynical, too attached to logic, untrusting and possibly have problems with vision, headaches and migraines.
Location: The space between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Mantra: SHAM
Element: All
Chakra Mantra: “I follow the path of truth and intuition.”

7. Sahasrara Chakra

The Sahasrara or Crown Chakra is the seventh and final chakra. It represents our spiritual being. This chakra represents that you are a divine being having a human experience on this Earth.

When working on this chakra, you’re acknowledging to yourself and the world that you are ready to dissolve separation, that you are ready to integrate with everything, and that you are ready to transcend the physical world for a more spiritual experience.

When this chakra is balanced, a source of enlightenment, spiritual connection and connection to our higher selves is present.

When out of alignment, you mistake happiness as an exterior trait when in truth, it’s created from within. Or quite the opposite, you can be hyper sensitive to the divine aspect of Self and struggle to function in normal day-to-day activities.
Location: Outside the body and hovering above the crown of the head
Color: Violet or White
Mantra: OM
Element: Cosmic Energy
Chakra Mantra: “There is only divine oneness.”

Tune Into Your Chakras to Create Balance in Your Life

And the chakra information overload is over. While this is a lot of information, here’s the best way to digest it all:

Read through each chakra and what it represents. Then choose one or two that you are drawn to to focus on, strengthen, balance and learn more about. In time, you’ll slowly learn what your energetic body needs and how best to implement practices that help realign and balance yourself.

By learning the chakra system and what each one represents, we are better able to understand, change and control our lives. And since we’re only here for one moment, one lifetime, I urge you to take full advantage of it.

Learn the how’s and why’s behind your actions, movements and emotions. Then use this powerful information to transform yourself into the person you want to be.

Align Your Chakras With These 7 Chakra Yoga Poses

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