Common Problems in Life That Minimalism Can Solve
“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.” – Edwin Way Teale. Sometimes the answer to common problems is to begin a different routine, start a new process,...

“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.” – Edwin Way Teale.
Sometimes the answer to common problems is to begin a different routine, start a new process, or purchase something to make life easier. While this might be true in some situations, I’ve surprisingly found even more success in the exact opposite.
Mathematician Carl Jacobi made a huge contribution towards solving hard problems when he suggested the idea of “Invert, always invert”.
When we have a problem, we typically approach it in a forward thinking kind of way, such as How do I have a better marriage? But thinking about problems when we only focus on moving forward, rather than addressing the root issue, will likely not result in lasting gains. Instead, we should invert the question and ask How do I avoid having an unhealthy marriage?
I’ve found that inverting many of life’s problems can be attributed to a way of living I’ve learned several years ago. Instead of continuing to add more to my schedule or “things” to my home, I’ve found that having less actually contributes more.
Through our family’s journey towards minimalism we’ve found the complexities and labors of life to feel less significant as we take away obstacles that lead to problems instead of adding more systems or items.
Minimalism is not merely a means to an end, but a way of living that allows for greater enjoyment of the journey, not just the destination. In this article, I’ll share six common problems that many of us face and how practicing minimalism can be the key towards moving forward.
6 Common Problems that Minimalism Can Solve
Too Much Stress
We live in a fast-paced society and prioritize efficiency and productivity. According to The American Institute of Stress, over 70 percent of people experience stress that contributes to poor physical and mental health and 48 percent have trouble sleeping.
Instead of turning solely to meditation and breathing techniques, therapy appointments, or prescription medication, consider what can be removed from your life in order to reduce stress.
Take on less hours in the office, if possible. Follow fewer social media accounts, blogs, or news sites. Say yes to fewer, but more meaningful commitments. Avoid impulse purchases. Focus on the handful of deep relationships and commit to investing your time in quality interactions together.
Too Much Clutter
Clutter affects each of us differently and how we feel about our homes can shape our mood and stress levels. When we walk inside the door and notice piles of clutter and unfinished projects, it’s no surprise that our cortisol levels rise.
Instead of living with a home filled with items that take away from the enjoyment of life, establish a few decluttering strategies to help push past this problem.
If you haven’t worn an article of clothing in a year, let it go. Find a realistic home for every item you own. Determine if you really need duplicates of the same item, or if one will serve the purpose. Ask yourself, “Does what I have bring me pleasure or just take up space?”.
Not Enough Time
There’s been many days where I wish I had just a few more hours to be productive. I try to fill my day full of events and work while still keeping up with the regular demands of motherhood. But when my mindset is geared this way, I often feel run-down and weary by the end of the day.
Instead of trying to take on a list of a dozen items, make a three-item to-do list of realistic, attainable tasks. Life isn’t just about checking everything off a list or seeing how fast we can get something done. Use what time you have wisely, setting limits on activities that waste too much valuable time (perhaps social media, your phone, or Netflix).
Let go of your desire to want to accomplish it all. Slow down. Learn how to push back against this fast-paced society so you can be part of a more meaningful life.
Financial Debt
With the ease of online shopping, many people overspend and are faced with financial debt that adds stress to their lives. Our society teaches us that when our clothes and things no longer bring us pleasure, we should buy something new to fulfill that desire.
Resist the urge to impulse buy by following the “48 hour rule”. Make a meal plan before heading out to the grocery store and purchase only items on your list. Have a budget for the major spending categories so you can visually observe your spending habits and draw a hard line when your spending crosses your allotted amount. Find some free activities or hobbies to do and focus on investing in the relationships around you.
When you learn to live with less “stuff”, you’ll find greater financial freedom and realize that your things won’t ever become the lasting source of happiness.
Unclear Goals
When our goals in life are unclear or scattered without any real destination, we’re likely to become overwhelmed and feel stretched thin between the various things we’d like to do, should do, or could be doing.
Instead of having numerous goals swirling around your brain with no path forward, consider these ways to make them more clear.
Create a list of priorities, narrow it down to the most important, and take on a realistic amount of items each day. Decide once on some of life’s common choices where you make a set decision one time and stick with it. Get rid of clutter that crowds up your physical and mental spaces. When you start a task, commit to focusing solely on that alone rather than getting distracted by everything else that vies for your attention (such as checking email, scrolling social media, or starting another task). Just do the real thing.
Limited Creativity
Our modern world thrives on a stable economic system. In order to live well, we live as consumers to have our needs and desires met.
When we practice consumerism alone and continue spending as a way to satisfy our desires, we raise the bar of expectations. If life’s problems involve us spending more to seek resolution, we rob ourselves of a valuable gift.
The ability to create allows us to bring beauty to our lives– where something is cultivated from within and done so with a greater amount of emotional satisfaction than being a consumer ever can.
Make a home-cooked meal for your family. Take photos of the people you share life with. Write in a journal to convey your thoughts. Plant a small garden and watch it yield fruit. Go on an adventure without spending a dime. Begin healthy habits that reduce stress. Make a home that is warm and inviting to those who enter. Create deep relationships with those you love by giving quality time. Read to form a well-rounded view of the world.
About the Author: Mollie (and her husband, Mike) blog at This Evergreen Home where they share their experience with living simply, intentionally, and relationally in this modern world. You can follow along by subscribing to their weekly newsletter.