Drink Coffee First Thing In The A.M.? 7 Ways To Make It Easier On Your Stomach
Switching over to dark roast could work wonders.

Image by iprogressman / Istock February 19, 2023 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There’s nothing better than rolling out of bed in the morning and brewing some fresh coffee. And I’m not the only one who thinks so—3 out of 41 Americans drink coffee, and 1 out of 2 drink it every day. But what happens when your coffee starts turning against you, causing indigestion, heartburn, or IBS-like symptoms? We sat down with functional nutritionist Abigail King, MS, CNS to learn why coffee might upset your stomach, and what you can do to enjoy your favorite morning beverage without uncomfortable side effects.
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Coffee: The pros and cons.
According to King, while coffee is one of the most beloved beverages in the world, there are some pros and cons of drinking it daily.
Let’s start out with the pros. A big one its high antioxidant content: “Coffee contains certain polyphenols, like chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid, that exert anticancer activities2 by protecting critical cellular molecules (DNA, proteins, and lipids) from oxidative damage,” explains King.
When it comes to gut health, coffee can also help keep you regular if you struggle with constipation. How does that work, exactly? “Coffee increases colonic activity.3 It may trigger contractions in your colon and help you to use the bathroom,” says King.
That said, sipping coffee can also present challenges in the gut health department. How? “If you have IBS/IBD, coffee can aggravate your gut and exacerbate your symptoms,” says King. “Because coffee increases colonic activity, it can cause diarrhea in those that already are prone to loose stool,” she continues.
You might also find your morning cup of coffee triggers acid reflux, especially if you’re been diagnosed with GERD. As King explains it, this is because “Coffee contains compounds that can stimulate acid secretion in the gut4, including caffeine and catechols.”
How to make your coffee gut-friendly.
If you have acid reflux or IBS or IBD and find that coffee aggravates your symptoms, you may want to explore ways to mitigate the effects of your morning cup.
The good news is that according to King, this doesn’t have to mean no coffee at all. There are a handful of ways to make your morning coffee easier on your stomach, including:
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The takeaway.
If your gut is struggling with your morning coffee, it may be because of the acid content. Try one of these seven tips for making your beloved morning brew easier on your stomach so you can keep sipping.
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