Empowerment Ceremonies Throughout the World

The wave of blessings continues to spread as more Kadampa Centres have engaged in the Blessing Ceremonies of various Buddhas. Last week's events include the empowerments of Buddha Vajrasattva in KMC New Mexico in USA, Green Tara at KMC...

Empowerment Ceremonies Throughout the World

BUDDHA Green tara EMPOWERMENT at KMC Metz, France

Nearly 60 people from Metz, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Nancy, Luxembourg, and the Greater East region recently gathered to take part in a beautiful weekend at KMC Metz. They received the transmission of Buddha Green Tara's blessings from the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Konchog. Alongside a commentary on the meaning of the Liberation from Sorrow prayer booklet, Gen Kelsang Konchog guided participants on how to rely on Tara in their everyday lives.

Buddha Green Tara Empowerment at KMC Austria

The empowerment weekend at KMC Austria commenced with a public talk in which Gen Palden, the Resident Teacher, shared insights on how to live fearlessly. Following the granting of the Green Tara empowerment, he provided practical teachings on how to rely upon Arya Tara, and integrate this practice into our daily lives.

A heartfelt thank you to Venerable Geshe-la and to everyone who participated in this wonderful event!