Euro Usage Tanks, Leading Decline Among Currencies on SWIFT Over the Last 10 Years

According to data released by SWIFT, the use of the euro as a settlement currency for international payments has fallen significantly. Its utilization share has decreased by 6.83% compared to 2014, with only 22.29% of global payments employing it....

Euro Usage Tanks, Leading Decline Among Currencies on SWIFT Over the Last 10 Years
Euro Usage Tanks, Tops Last 10-Year Declining Currencies on SwiftAccording to data released by SWIFT, the use of the euro as a settlement currency for international payments has fallen significantly. Its utilization share has decreased by 6.83% compared to 2014, with only 22.29% of global payments employing it. Euro Tanks, Dollar Thrives in Swift Share Charts The future seems bleak for the euro, as […]