Finding Peace and Letting Go in Swansea, Wales
KMC Wales recently hosted Gen Dornying in Swansea for two transformative events. The public talk at Brangwyn Hall, "How to Find Happiness from a Different Source," and the day course, "Learning to Let Go," offered profound insights into meditation...

Finding Peace and Letting go in Swansea, Wales
KMC Wales were delighted to welcome Gen Dornying to Swansea recently for two events.
On Friday evening, in the grand surroundings of Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall, Gen Dornying, explained 'How to Find Happiness from a Different Source' at our well-attended Public Talk. Everyone enjoyed this thought-provoking and inspiring evening. Many of our guests were trying meditation for the first time and feedback was really positive.
On Saturday, at KMC Wales and online, Gen Dornying taught an inspiring Day Course, ‘Learning to Let Go’. Everyone felt deeply touched by the practical wisdom, contained in Ven Geshe Kelsang's books, that Gen Dornying shared with us. It was also lovely to enjoy time with our Sangha friends.
Our amazing team of volunteers helped throughout these events with registration, shop, cafe and providing a delicious lunch.
Huge gratitude to our most kind Spiritual Guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and to Gen Dornying for visiting Swansea and teaching these special events.
Meditation does indeed change everything!