Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

Before the International Summer Festival, Kadampa Centers are organizing activities to accumulate much merit and to allow Kadam Dharma to flourish in the heart. Here are the events arranged by the Los Angeles, Phoenix and Hong Kong Centers.

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

Dharma Flouring


NKT - KMC LA - 2024 (2)

During the Spring Festival many folks from KMC LA made a special connection with an unchangeable and ever-reliable friend, a real protector, Dorje Shugden.

To deepen this connection, and to destroy any obstacles to our Dharma practice and to the flourishing of the blessed and holy teachings of Je Tsongkhapa in our heart and our world, the idea appeared to engage in a seven day Melodious Drum puja. The idea was also inspired by our success last year when we engaged in forty days of Wishfulfilling Jewel tsog pujas.

For an entire week, every day, practitioners came in from different areas of the city to engage in this very powerful chanted prayer practice with offerings. Some people even joined online and in this way created very strong causes for their own spiritual progress, for their loved ones, and for the world.

On the last day, more than 25 people joined in. Everyone's heart was filled with powerful blessings!


NKT - KMC LA - 2024 (1)

NKT - KMC LA - 2024 (4)

Guru Yoga Mandala Offering Retreat at KMC Phoenix

NKT - KMC PHOENIX - 2024 (1)

Our hearts were uplifted by the wonderful participation in the Guru Yoga Mandala Offering retreat at KMC Phoenix.

Guru yoga is a profound and powerful method for receiving the blessings of the Buddhas and accumulating vast merit. Through this practice, as taught by Sakya Pandita, we can achieve in one human life what would otherwise take a thousand aeons following the Sutra path alone.

By understanding the role of imagination, born from karma and intention, we can create the self and world we wish to experience. Engaging in the practice of mandala offerings allows us to transform our minds and experience deep spiritual growth.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and made this retreat a truly inspiring experience. Let's continue to walk the path together with joy and dedication.

NKT - KMC PHOENIX - 2024 (8)

NKT - KMC PHOENIX - 2024 (10)

NKT - KMC PHOENIX - 2024 (5)