Generate ROI From LinkedIn Marketing Services

Explore the multitude of marketing and advertising opportunities LinkedIn affords to brands just like yours. Find a LinkedIn partner to get started today.

Generate ROI From LinkedIn Marketing Services

LinkedIn is a unique platform. It stands out in a social media landscape dominated by memes and other noisy content (don’t get us wrong, we love memes — and they certainly have their place on LinkedIn).

Unlike the Twitters and Reddits of the world — which, in their own respect, still have business-minded users in varying capacities — LinkedIn’s driving purpose is its professional approach to connection and networking.

This sets the platform apart from its competitors and opens up anomalous doors in terms of digital marketing potential and opportunities. In addition to those uncommon liberties, marketers still have access to a massive audience on LinkedIn. In fact, a 2022 study by DataReportal estimates that the potential reach of ads on the platform is 850 million.

So, how do you optimize your ROI generation using LinkedIn marketing services? Or, alternatively: How does marketing on LinkedIn help optimize your ROI? Let us tell ya! But first things first, get yourself set up with a LinkedIn account if you haven’t already.

The Importance of LinkedIn Advertising for Your Brand

Advertising on social media is a fundamental practice of 21st century marketing. As a result, almost every social media platform has introduced a business or company profile option. These accounts provide their owners with a plethora of useful information and insights about their professional online presence.

That’s the great thing about using a business profile on LinkedIn: This is exactly what it was designed for. Professionals would be hard-pressed to find a platform that’s conducive to either their personal or business success (or both!) in the way LinkedIn is.

Behind the analytics of these business profiles — which are still incredibly valuable — lie even more benefits that both businesses and job-hunting individuals stand to encounter.

The Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing

Benefits are aplenty when you’re talking about LinkedIn Marketing — and we are. From quality lead generation to thought leadership and recruiting potential, thoughtful and knowledgeable marketing on this beast of a professional platform can do wonders for your business.

1. Identify Quality Leads and Communicate With Them Directly

Identifying leads via social media is especially easy on LinkedIn. Businesses, customers and candidates’ profiles are plastered with pretty much every piece of information you need. Within about a minute of clicking on a profile you’ll be able to tell if a lead is worth pursuing or not — based solely on the details that are so nicely presented front and center.

Further, after you’ve detected favorable candidates or connections, having a conversation with them is basically integrated as part of the networking process.

With straightforward messaging tools and automated reminders that encourage you to reach out to new connections, sparking up a conversation with new people is a piece of cake.

2. Expand Your Network in the Most Relevant and Streamlined Way

What happens when you identify, compile and communicate with a bunch of quality leads and connections, as mentioned above? Boom. Expanded network. 

The best part? Virtually everyone you’ve reached out to or let into your circle is relevant to whatever goal you were pursuant of when you clicked that “connect” button on their page.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the beauty of a professional networking platform is just that: its ability to help you network professionally.

3. Thought Leadership Has Never Seen a More Applicable Platform

If thought leadership is your thing, nestle up under LinkedIn’s wing. One of the interesting things about different social media platforms is that each one has unique characteristics and a distinctive demographic of users. Things that go viral on Facebook are different from things that may go viral on Reddit, for example. (Albeit a lot of strange things gain a lot of strange traction behind the curtain manned by that little robot.)

If you cast a rod into the LinkedIn Lake of Virality, you’re likely to reel in some thought leadership — which could range from a simple sentence to pages worth of a professional opinion. This type of content thrives on the platform and gives brands a nice opportunity to stock the reservoir with plump concepts just waiting to be caught a hundred times over.

4. Recruiting Is Made Easy

One of the main draws of LinkedIn is its ability to help brands recruit new talent. Once you’ve established a healthy network of like-minded people and businesses, recruiting is made easy. Finding the right people to hire is as simple as clicking a few buttons to let your network, and the networks of your network, know about the exciting opportunity.

You can essentially skip the convoluted recruiting platforms and rely solely on LinkedIn. Plus, everything else you could need is already there, so it certainly doesn’t hurt to have it all in one place.

Certainly there must be some cons and drawbacks too, right? Check out this blog post for the tea 👀.

LinkedIn Marketing Services to Choose From

LinkedIn offers a pretty healthy variety of marketing services, direct from the platform. All of their offerings work together to create one homogenous and intuitive networking and marketing experience that can help you maximize your ROI. From their Business Manager to their integrated ads service, there’s lots to get to know here. 

LinkedIn Business Manager

The newest addition to LinkedIn’s cache of business tools and marketing services is a little something called Business Manager. In their own words (or the words of one of their copywriters, we should say), they explain the tool as follows:

“Business Manager simplifies your experience marketing on LinkedIn by grouping your organization’s different Ad Accounts, Pages, and People together under a single umbrella.”

And while the program is, for all intents and purposes, still technically in a beta testing stage, all businesses now have access to it.

On the programs landing page, it lists some of the advantages of using it, such as:

A simplified marketing experience.Secure and easy collaboration for everyone.Reaching buyers in less time than traditional methods.

LinkedIn Sponsored Content and Ads

Perhaps the most popular marketing service offered by LinkedIn is their ads engine. The social media giant offers a range of advertising types, along with tools and other resources to ensure businesses and individuals are getting the most out of their ad spend with the company. The following are tailored Linkedin ad types that the platform offers:

Sponsored content: Native ads that appear in the LinkedIn feed.Sponsored messaging: Customized messaging to engage your audience.Dynamic ads: Ads that are automatically personalized to your audience.Text ads: Simple PPC or CPM desktop ads.

While these advertising tools are great, they aren’t worth much if you don’t know the most effective ways to utilize them. If you’re in this thing on your own, fear not, because LinkedIn offers some pretty incredible training modules, including an Introduction to LinkedIn Ads.

But if outsourcing sounds more like your thing, read on!

Optimize Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy that’s not optimized often proves fruitless. Or, if you do acquire some supple produce, it’s probably a lot less than what you could be harvesting if you were actively optimizing. You have to cultivate that soft LinkedIn soil! A company page here, some high quality content there and a nice spattering of keywords to finish it all off.

1. Set Clear Goals

First, you should set clear, achievable goals or objectives that you wish to hit with your LinkedIn marketing strategy. This is a pretty standard part of the process no matter the marketing medium, and it applies here, too!

Not sure what exactly you want to achieve? Start with one of these, then expand:

Increase your following.Generate leads.Find the right candidates.Increase brand awareness.

2. Make Sure You’re Set Up With a LinkedIn Company Page

Setting up a company LinkedIn page is pretty straightforward. Ensure that you’ve filled it with necessary, relevant information about your brand — and make it attractive. In addition, you’ll want to make sure you’ve included keywords and relevant hashtags in the description section for increased discoverability.

3. Post High Quality Content

Surprise! In terms of content marketing, high quality is better than low quality. OK, maybe that’s not a surprise, but it’s true nonetheless. LinkedIn, being a business platform, foams at the mouth for high quality, businesses relevant content (and other forms of content every now and then, too!). 

4. Use Images and Videos

Everybody loves a good image and/or video — just ask Instagram’s 1.44 billion monthly active users, TikTok’s 1 billion, or any one of YouTube’s 2.6 billion. LinkedIn, while not outwardly an image or video sharing platform, also loves images and videos. If it can be made into an engaging video, you should definitely make it — or hire someone to make it 😉.

5. Maintain Consistency

Social media marketing is not a one-and-done operation. To stand out and get noticed takes consistency, coupled with the quality content, images and videos we just mentioned. We won’t lie, sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming — especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. Lucky for you, we’re here to help! And so are these other great social media marketing agencies 👇.

LinkedIn Marketing Companies

What good would all of this information about LinkedIn marketing services be without a LinkedIn marketing agency to make it all happen? Sure, doing it on your own is possible, but to realize your full potential on the platform you need a little expertise and a lot of specialized knowledge and experience. Thankfully, there are a lot of great ageices out there that offer LinkedIn marketing solutions, or great social media marketing in general.

That’s why you should consider Br… inging on one of these agencies that specializes in LinkedIn marketing. But, also Brafton. You should consider Brafton, or another one of these companies we think do a pretty good job at LinkedIn marketing, too:

1. Brafton

Our social media experts know all things LinkedIn. We’ve helped companies expand their reach, grow their followership and establish thought leadership on the platform. Using tactics such as articles created specifically for LinkedIn, sharing thought-provoking content, and organic and paid posting schedules, our clients have seen LinkedIn become a viable platform to attract their target audience, and more importantly, quality leads.

Beyond LinkedIn, our social media team will build out a comprehensive marketing solution that’s both representative of and attractive to all of the most popular channels and algorithms in today’s market — thoughtfully filling them with quality content that converts.

Enough about us, though. Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are some of our picks for agencies that offer a Linkedin marketing service, or can otherwise help you step up your social media game.

2. Impactable

Impactable, formerly known as LinkNLean, is a U.S. based Linkedin Ads Agency focused on helping high-growth B2B brands scale more profitably and predictably. They offer LinkedIn-specific services such as:

Paid ads.Outreach.Content generation.

3. Sculpt

Sculpt is a fun-loving B2B marketing agency specializing in chatbots, paid ads and social media content. A quick look through their website and service offerings will have you hooked on their personality, trust us. They even have a VP of Distractions, Blue the Labradude.

4. Disruptive Advertising

Disruptive Advertising claims that “After auditing ~10,000 ad accounts, we’ve found 76% of ad spend is wasted.” So, if you’re going to trust anyone with your hard earned cash to get you results on LinkedIn and beyond, these people seem knowledgeable enough, right?

5. Thrive

Thrive is aware of the dedication it takes to reach your potential on LinkedIn. Further, they offer a nice suite of services to help you achieve that:

Analytics.Audience Identification.Strategy.Monitoring.Paid Ads.Content Creation.

6. LYFE Marketing

LYFE Marketing is an award winning agency with a list of coveted clients longer than your arm (wishfully assuming that you, the reader, is not 100 feet tall with extremities to match). They offer everything you need to stand out on social media, and even reach beyond that — into the inboxes and onto the timelines of your audience with their email marketing and video services.

No matter which you choose, your LinkedIn marketing campaign will be in capable hands.


If you take anything from this article, let it be these things:

LinkedIn should not be forgotten as part of your social media marketing strategy.The platform offers lots of great in-house marketing tools and services that foster growth and keep you organized.Optimization is a huge part of succeeding — on LinkedIn and elsewhere.To reach beyond the capabilities of LinkedIn’s internal tools and services, there are lots of great agencies that can help you…

… and we’re one of them! You can learn more about our LinkedIn marketing capabilities here.

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