Goodway Group focuses on employee growth and pay
The company hosts hybrid bi-annual, weeklong summits to bring everyone together.

As cliché as it may sound, a company is only as good as the people who work there. That drive to support employees is what has landed Goodway Group in the top slot on Ad Age Best Places to Work 2023 for companies with more than 200 employees.
Goodway Group has been a remote-first company since 2010, but has become even more flexible post-pandemic.
“Remote work in the pandemic was different from remote work prior,” said Jay Friedman, CEO of Goodway Group. “Living situations became very different, so we asked employees to be present for certain hours, but also gave more flexibility.”
But being remote for more than a decade has established a solid company culture focused on growth and connection among its staff. Employees have monthly meetings that focus on professional development. The sessions don’t just cover employee performance, but also what Goodway is doing to help employees reach their career goals.
“I have two clients—our business clients and our employees,” said Friedman. “They need to be served equally so they do their best.”
Part of that job has been fairly compensating employees based on market conditions. Friedman said that in 2021 and for the start of 2022, the company gave out several pay increases, regardless of employee performance, to keep up with competing agencies. He also noted that Goodway does not give new hires a higher salary than current employees. Barring a significant loss in business, the company will have no concerted layoffs in 2023.
The company hosts hybrid biannual, weeklong summits to bring everyone together. In addition to unlimited PTO and summer Fridays, employees are also given learning budgets and stipends to attend conferences, webinars or continuing education classes.
What will set apart Goodway as a Best Place to Work amid the challenges of 2023?
CEO Jay Friedman: “Goodway’s group of companies is predictable in its approach, not lavishly spending at the top of the cycle nor over-tightening the belt at the bottom, so we can support our employees’ careers at all times.”