Grab pilots new service that lets S’pore users book home-based ART and PCR tests
Prices for the on-demand tests start from S$65, and results will take as quickly as an hour for ART tests.

Grab announced today (April 12) that it has partnered with healthcare service providers Jaga-Me and Minmed to pilot a new beta service.
Called ‘At-Home COVID-19 Swab Tests’, it allows users to book professionally-administered home-based ART and PCR tests via its mobile app.
This service can be found under the app’s ‘Health’ category, homepage, or on GrabMart via the “At-home PCR & ART tests” ad banner.
After booking, licensed professionals from its partnering healthcare service providers will arrive at the user’s home within two to four hours to conduct the swab test.

Results will be sent via email and take as quickly as an hour for ART tests, and three to six hours for express PCR tests. For a regular PCR test, results will take 12 to 48 hours.
Prices for the on-demand tests start from S$65 for an ART test, and S$145 for a PCR test.
This service meets the new needs of consumers as Singapore moves towards an endemic phase, where negative test results for travel or entry to nightlife businesses such as nightclubs and karaoke establishments are still required.
With the rollout of this service, more people can conveniently book supervised ART and PCR tests, and proceed to carry out their travel plans or enjoy a night of fun.
Featured Image Credit: Raffles Medical Group
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