Hatha Yoga – The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Yoga is such a practice, which causes you to be mentally and physically capable. This improves the working efficiency. Along with this, […]

Hatha Yoga – The Complete Beginner’s Guide
Hatha Yoga

Yoga is such a practice, which causes you to be mentally and physically capable. This improves the working efficiency. Along with this, it also helps in protecting against many serious diseases. Yoga is split into several parts on the idea of its benefits, characteristics, and effects, one among which is yoga. In this article, we will tell you in detail about how to do hatha yoga and the benefits of hatha yoga as well as what is hatha yoga. Hatha yoga can be beneficial only when it is done under the supervision of an expert. Also, a balanced lifestyle should be followed.

What Is Hatha Yoga Meaning

Two types of definitions are used to understand and explain Hatha Yoga. One of these definitions is ancient and one is modern. We will try to explain Hatha Yoga to you through both (1).

The ancient definition of Hatha Yoga – Hatha Yoga is made up of two words. In this, the word ‘H’ is associated with the Sun. At the same time, the word ‘T’ has been associated with the moon. In this type, the yoga performed with the aim of balancing the power of Chandra (symbol of coolness) and Surya (symbol of energy) present in the body is called Hatha Yoga. Through this, the body gets the ability to protect itself from various diseases.

New Definition of Hatha Yoga – At the same time, talking about the new definition of Hatha Yoga, it is different from the old definition. Under the new definition, Hatha has been seen to be associated with force and violence, that is, such a type of yoga in which through certain actions, the body develops the ability to bear pain by giving it. Under this, it is believed that increasing the stamina of the body through certain exercises, it helps to increase immunity.

 Benefits of Hatha Yoga

1.Enhances immunity

Many special glands of the body are believed to be stimulated through this yoga and can help increase hormones beneficial for the body. Right now the body’s in susceptibility can increment and the body might have the option to shield itself from numerous genuine illnesses.

2.Relieves stress

Yoga is considered the best option to relieve stress. At the same time, this yoga also calms the mind. It helps in relieving mental problems like anxiety and tension .

3.Heals the nervous system

Along with mental and physical health, the benefits of hatha yoga include healing the nervous system. Its practice improves blood circulation, which can reduce Stress.

4.To strengthen bones

The advantages of hatha yoga are likewise considered for bones. Through this, the monetary forms can be reinforced. It is additionally accepted to be useful in alleviating bones related issues like osteoporosis (debilitating of bones).

5.Hatha yoga for back pain

This yoga helps in strengthening yogas by increasing their density. It can also be helpful in relieving muscle-related pain. Both of these can be the cause of back pain, so it can be said that back pain can be control by this Yoga.

6.Beneficial for heart health

This Yoga is beneficial for heart health. Actually, it can be helpful in controlling blood pressure, balancing heartbeat, and reducing weight. All three have been considered as prime risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it would not be wrong to say that this yoga can be beneficial in maintaining heart health.

7.For smooth and glowing skin

The practice of Hatha yoga reduces stress and produces a hormone called a cytokine, then repairing the skin helps to make it spotless and shiny. Therefore, it would not be right to say that the advantages of Hatha Yoga can be accomplished for skin wellbeing also.

Types of Yogasana for Hatha Yoga

To know how to do Hatha Yoga, it is important to know some asanas related to it. Let us get to know a little bit about the easy ones related to this and the process of doing them.

1. Vrikshasana (Tree-Pose)

How to do:

First of all, you stand straight by laying a yoga mat. Now reduce the space between your legs. Now bend your right leg and lift it and grab the claw with the right hand. Now supporting the paw with the hand, place it on the upper part of the left leg i.e. on the thigh. Keep in mind that while doing this, your bent leg is making a right angle with the left leg. Now bring both the hands close to the chest and come in the posture of Namaskar. Now keeping the hands together, raise them slowly from the chest and take them above the head. Keep in mind that in case of hand going above the head, both your arms should touch the ear. Try to remain during this state for as jiffy as possible. Afterwards come back to your starting position and repeat the process with the left leg. In this way one cycle of this posture is completed. About four to five cycles of this asana can be repeated at a time.

2. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

How to do:

First of all, you stand straight by laying a yoga mat. Keep in mind that in this position your neck and waist should remain straight. Interlock the fingers of both your hands and bring them to the top of the head. Now point both the palms towards the sky. Then try to create a stretch in the whole body with the help of your fingers and raise the ankles. Make sure that while doing this, your balance remains on the toes. Now try to remain in this state for a few minutes and keep breathing normally. In this way one cycle of this exercise is completed. Three to four cycles of this easy can be repeated.

Also Read ⬇️⬇️

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Benefits and Precautions.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

How to do

First of all, sit in Vajrasana by laying a yoga mat. After this, you bend forward and place your palms on the ground. Now while exhaling deeply, straighten the knees and raise the waist. Now move the body back a little, giving light emphasis on the hands. Try to raise your waist as much as possible. While doing these asanas, try to keep your heels close to the ground. Now stay in this position and look towards your navel. During this, the entire weight of the body should be on your hands and feet. Try to remain in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing slowly. Finally, while exhaling deeply, bend the knees and come to the starting position.

Also Read ⬇️⬇️

Downward-facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Benefits & Precautions

4. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose)

How to do

First of all, lay a yoga mat and sit with both legs spread forward. Keep in mind that in this position your waist should be absolutely straight. Now bend both your knees and bring the toes close to the body. Then hold the toes by intertwining the fingers of both the hands and try to touch the knees with the ground by joining the ankles together. Keep in mind, while doing this, do not try to touch the knees on the ground by giving pressure with your hands. Try to bring the knees to the ground as much as possible, while emphasizing on the thigh. In this position, make sure that your waist, neck and spine remain straight and the shoulders are straight and pulled back. Now try to stay in this posture for a few minutes. Finally you come back to your starting position.

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Baddha Padmasana (Bound Lotus Pose) Steps and Benefits

5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

How to do

Lay a yoga mat and sit with your legs extended forward. Make sure that in this position your feet are close together and the knees remain straight. During this, the neck, spine and head will remain completely straight. Now while exhaling slowly, bend forward and take the palms to the toes. Keep in mind that while doing this, your legs should be straight. Now try to hold the toes of your feet with both the hands and keep the head close to the knees. Then try to remain in this state for as long as possible. Finally, take a deep breath and come back to your starting position.

Also Read ⬇️⬇️

Paschimottanasana: Precautions, and its Benefits

6. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

How to do

Lay down on your back on the ground by laying the most yoga mat. Then bend the knees and bring your feet close to the hips. Then place both the hands on the ankles and hold them tightly. After taking a deep breath try to raise the waist above the ground. After coming to this state, put your chin on the chest. Now try to remain in this position for a few minutes and keep breathing at a normal pace. Finally, take a deep breath and come back to your starting position.

7. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

How to do

First of all, you lay a yoga mat and sit in Vajrasana. Now taking a deep breath, raise both your hands up to the top of the head. After that, while exhaling, lean forward. Keep in mind that while bending forward, the emphasis should come on the hip joint and not on the waist. Also make sure that during this time your palms, head and elbows are touching the ground. Now you have achieved the pose of Balasana. Remain in this posture for a few minutes and keep breathing slowly. Then take a deep breath, get up comfortably and move the hands above the head. After this, slowly bring your hands on your thighs and rest for some time. Finally come back to your starting position.

How to do Hatha Yoga

The action of Hatha Yoga or Pranayama is divided into three parts, this process is completed in three steps which are as follows-

Rechak (exhalation)  – This is the first step of the verb rechak means that the breath is exhaled with effort. Purak (inhalation) – ​​The second stage of the verb is called purak. Which means effort is to draw the breath in. kumbhak (retention) – This is the third phase of the practice called kumbhak. In this action, the breath has to be held with effort. There are two types of Kumbhaka – Bahih Kumbhaka – In this process, the breath has to be exhaled and held outside. Antara kumbhaka – In this process, the breath has to be drawn in and the breath is held.

In this way, it is Hatha Yoga to move the Prayas through its control.

Some Precautions for Hatha Yoga

Do not practice Hatha Yoga if you have problems in the waist, hands or joints. You should stay away from this exercise if you have a muscle strain or pain. If you have undergone any kind of surgery, do not practice hatha yoga at all. If you are going to practice this yoga for the first time, do it in the presence of a trainer. Pregnant women should avoid hatha yoga. In Hatha Yoga, you should pay special attention to physical activities and breathing process.

What is Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a famous book related to Hatha Yoga. This book was composed in the 15th century. Many different names of this book are found, including Hathapradipika, Hathayogapradipika, Hathapradi, Hatha-Pradipika, etc.

This Yoga was composed by Swami Swatmaram, a disciple of Guru Gorakhnath. It is considered to be the most influential text of the received texts of Hatha Yoga. There are two other famous texts of Hatha Yoga where Hatha Yoga is described – Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita(1).

There are four chapters in this book, which describe the subjects of posture, pranayama, chakra, kundalini, bandh, kriya, shakti, Nadi, mudra, etc.

It follows the Sanatan Hindu Yoga system and begins with the invocation of Sri Adinath (Lord Shankar). It has the following four preaching-

First preaching: – It describes asanas. Second preaching: – It describes Pranayama. Third preaching: – It describes the mudra of yoga. Fourth preaching: – There is a description of Samadhi in it.

Hatha Yoga Sequence

Tdasana Surya namaskar Standing asana kneeling asana Sitting asana Asana in prone position Asana in supine position Inverted asana


Now you must have become well aware of what Hatha Yoga is. Along with this, you will also have got information related to its rugs and benefits. Benefits of Hatha Yoga Know that if you also want to include it in your daily routine, then the suggested methods of Hatha Yoga can help to a great extent in the problems mentioned. Just keep in mind that medical advice is very important to treat any problem. Yoga can help in keeping healthy, but it is also important to eat a right balanced diet. Also, it should always be done under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor. If you have any other suggestions or questions related to this topic, then you can reach us through the comment box below.