Have a Relaxing Weekend.
What are you up to this weekend? We are going to our friend’s birthday dinner, and our job is to bring a pitcher of margaritas. She’s also letting me arrive early to rock her baby to sleep, eeeeeps!… Read...

What are you up to this weekend? We are going to our friend’s birthday dinner, and our job is to bring a pitcher of margaritas. She’s also letting me arrive early to rock her baby to sleep, eeeeeps! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
Is this movie good or is it just French? Haha.
LOVE these photos of women cold-swimming in Maine. They call themselves “ice mermaids.” (NYTimes, gift link)
Laughed through this podcast episode with Conan O’Brien and B.J. Novak.
Such a pretty skirt.
Photos of a young Black boy in America. “In my photo Deep Sleep, it looks like my son is sleeping, and it’s beautiful. But for me, the image also has this postmortem look. It reveals my fears of him not coming home one day and having to bury him, like so many other Black parents have. There are things I am already teaching him that other kids his age are not thinking of. Like, Hey, we probably shouldn’t wear a hoodie at night. At the same time, he’s just a little boy in the United States.” (The Atlantic)
Would you paint your living room ceiling?
This Instagram account made me laugh out loud.
Our partnerships director Maureen has looked insanely glowy on our recent calls. When asked for her secret, she revealed she’s been using this moisturizer. Have you tried it?
Yum, a very crouton-y salad.
Never Have I Ever’s Maitreyi Ramakrishnan shares her beauty routine. She talks about nose rings, colorism, and her grandma’s eyeliner advice. (Vogue)
Is lingerie entering an age of innocence? (Elle)
Plus, three reader comments:
Says Emily on five things in your kitchen that you’d never be caught without: “My dear husband who brings his own lime to Chipotle. You read that right: he takes an entire lime because ‘sometimes they can be stingy.’ Once I asked how he cuts it and he confirmed using a plastic knife, which had me in stitches. Can you imagine sawing away with a plastic knife to cut a lime? In a Chipotle!? I die. Couldn’t love him more!”
Says Andrea on what are your daily rituals: “My Serbian grandparents lived with us while I was growing up, and their morning ritual was what they called an ‘open eye’ – a hot wax pepper, cooked and sliced; a clove of garlic; and a shot of whiskey. It was normal to me in every way until a friend spent the night in high school. She asked, ‘Are your grandparents doing shots for breakfast?’ I had never thought about it that way, but I couldn’t help laughing. Yes, I guess they are. They passed a long time ago, but every now and then, on Serbian holidays, I will have a shot of whiskey and a clove of garlic with my husband, and it reminds me of them sitting at the kitchen table each morning, making time for each other. And how what some may see as odd, or even judge, is a natural and beautiful part of another’s life.”
Says Alyssa on what are your daily rituals: “I don’t know why, but reading the comments on this post made me teary! People are so silly and wonderful and complicated and gorgeous.”
(Photo by Yossy Arefi for Jenny’s tomato sandwich recipe.)